The 2018 Westchester County Budget provides a new funding line which will be matched by additional funds from New York State to create a comprehensive plan to protect, support and grow agricultural activities throughout the County. The budget addition was submitted by Legislator Francis Corcoran (R) Bedford, Chair of the Board of Legislators Environment and Health Committee.

It’s troubling to see County Executive-Elect Latimer direct the Democrats on the Board of Legislators (BOL) to interfere with the settlement of five fair and responsible labor contracts with county employees. The same Legislators who are now pulling back the agreements with our unions were satisfied with the contracts when they were voted out of the Legislature’s Committees to be voted on by the entire BOL.

(WHITE PLAINS, NY) Westchester Legislators passed a bi-partisan 2018 budget by a vote of 12 to 5. This budget funds a functioning government while attempting to address the fiscal mess and long-term budget hole of over $100M left by the outgoing Astorino Administration.

(WHITE PLAINS, NY) PKF O’Connor Davies, the County’s independent auditors, advised Westchester Legislators yesterday that the proposed 2018 Westchester County Budget includes unsecure revenues – such as $29M for the proposed airport deal - which leaves it structurally imbalanced. Without a recurring revenue source, this budget will collapse and the County will be further down the road toward another negative adjustment to our credit rating.