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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) Westchester County Board of Legislators Majority Leader Catherine Borgia released the following statement regarding the County Executive’s proposal to have the Westchester airport managed by a new, outside vendor.
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At the October monthly meeting of the John D. Calandra Lodge #2600 of the Order of Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), Michael Ruggiero (President), announced two note-worthy items on the agenda. The first item was regarding the money raised by Brothers for the horrific earthquake in Central Italy destroying the town and surrounding area of Amatrice in Rieti, Lazio. The second item was Italian Heritage Month for October.
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On Monday, September 26, 2016, the Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL) hosted its annual Hispanic Heritage Month. Legislator David Tubiolo honored local business leaders, Aurea Roman, Gino Quezada and Ramon Martinez. Aurea Roman is the owner of the classic candy shop ‘How Sweet It Is’ on McLean Avenue, while Gino Quezada and Ramon Martinez are the owners of one of the finest Latino restaurants in Yonkers, ‘Dia Y Noche.’
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Legislator Margaret Cunzio (C) Mount Pleasant, announced that the Board of Legislators (BOL) has approved a Bond Act in the amount of $325,000 to redesign a section of Commerce Street, specifically the intersection of Commerce and Elwood Street which has been the site of numerous traffic accidents including a pedestrian fatality in February 2013.
This intersection has been of concern to local officials for many years. In 1999, the Mount Pleasant Police Chief wrote to the County Department of Public Works asking that a safety study be conducted at that intersection. At that time there were 13 crashes in one year and a pedestrian was hit. Following the 2013 pedestrian fatality the town of Mount Pleasant sent their own re-design plans to Westchester County with a request that the plans be considered as part of the County’s capital improvement plans for Commerce Street.
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WHITE PLAINS, NY - During Monday’s Board of Legislators meeting, Westchester County took steps to reduce energy costs by installing energy efficient LED lighting at several County facilities. The $1.6 million bond act was passed unanimously and will pay for the new lighting at several County facilities in White Plains. Those facilities include the Michaelian Office Building, Low-Rise Building, Richard J. Daronco Courthouse and Annex, White Plains parking structure, 85 Court Street, 143 Grand Street and 112 East Post Road. It is estimated that lighting costs will be reduced by 35% at these facilities.
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