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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) “Today, Congress took a major step toward making it easier to access guns. The House of Representatives voted to overturn a rule which barred gun ownership by some who were deemed ‘mentally impaired’ by the Social Security Administration. Congress’s action only further serves to exacerbate the issues we are facing here in Westchester County and is a further reason for the Board of Legislators to override County Executive Astorino’s veto of the prohibition of gun shows on County park land and facilities.
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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) After additional retirements in January, Democratic Legislators are calling on County Executive Rob Astorino to abide by the 2017 County Budget and hire the allocated officers Democratic Legislators fought to have included. The 2017 Budget funds 292 officer positions, the number of vacancies as of today stands at 15.
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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) Westchester Democratic Legislators are calling for Local Law 9842, a piece of legislation based on Democratic Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s agreement with gun show purveyors, to be sent back to committee for further strengthening and clarification.
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Legislator David Tubiolo, Henry Djonbalaj, Nik Beqi, Untermeyer Performing Arts Council (UPAC), City of Yonkers and Arts Westchester hosted their 4th Annual Albanian Independence Day Concert on Sunday, November 27 at Yonkers Montessori Academy.
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At the December monthly meeting of the John D. Calandra Lodge #2600 of the Order of Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), at The Olde Stone Mill in the neighborhood of Crestwood, Yonkers, NY, actor Anthony J. Ribustello was invited by Legislator Tubiolo and spoke as the Lodge's Guest Speaker.
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