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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) “Today’s announcement is welcome news for Westchester residents, and visitors to Westchester, who want to utilize ride-share services. While we still have some concerns, we have long been proponents of safe ride-sharing in Westchester County. Unfortunately, the County Executive’s secretive tactics forced a back-room decision to be struck at the eleventh hour instead of a more open and transparent process. I look forward to hearing the comments and concerns of Westchester residents at tomorrow’s public hearing,” said Majority Leader Catherine Borgia.
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At the recent Board of Legislators (BOL) meeting, Legislator David Tubiolo (Yonkers & Mount Vernon) in Bi-Partisanship voted and passed Bond Acts for $2.5 million for “Fire Training Site Improvements” and $500,000 for “Rescue/Pumper Vehicle”.
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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) At last night’s Board meeting, Legislators voted in support of the measure put forth by the Families Task Force.
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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) Legislator Catherine Parker (D-Rye) is pleased to announce the passage of an Act which will authorize work to rehabilitate the historic pool at Playland Park. The Act, which has a cost of nearly $9.5M, passed with a 15 to 2 vote. When completed, the residents of the Sound Shore will continue to have the public pool that they have had since 1927.
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(WHITE PLAINS, NY) Legislator Ben Boykin (D-White Plains), Chair of the Board’s Committee on Public Safety & Social Services, is frustrated by the Astorino Administration’s uncooperative behavior after repeated requests for officials to testify on the County’s ride-share plan have been stymied.
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