The Board of Legislators is marking a special anniversary in 2020. Board Chairman Ben Boykin and Herman Geist, the first ever chairman of the BOL, make the announcement.

White Plains, NY — With New York State's ban on single-use plastic bags taking effect March 1, the Westchester County Board of Legislators is taking up legislation to opt into the State's Paper Carryout Bag Reduction Fee. The legislation will be taken up next week by the Board’s Committee on Environment and Health and its Committee on Legislation.

White Plains, NY — In recognition of February as Black History Month, the Westchester County Board of Legislators will celebrate the outstanding achievements and contributions of four individuals in Westchester County.

White Plains, NY — The Westchester County Board of Legislators has reconstituted its Minority Affairs Task Force.

White Plains, NY — The members of the Westchester County Board of Legislators are calling for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to open a hearing into the proposed transfer of the license for the Indian Point Energy Center to a decommissioning company.