(WHITE PLAINS, NY) The Westchester County Board of Legislators adopted a budget today for the 2017 year that stretches Westchester County’s operations to the thinnest of all time and remains structurally imbalanced according to numerous independent opinions, including the League of Women Voters and the Citizen Budget Advisory Committee. Once again the County Executive has relied on accounting gimmicks, one-shot revenues and suspect revenue projections, including income from a proposed public-private partnership at the Westchester Airport. At a meeting earlier today, the BOL unanimously passed a resolution asserting a legislative leadership role in issuing an RFP to solicit other possible opportunities to increase revenue because of widespread dissatisfaction about the way the County Executive’s initial proposal was solicited and presented to the board. Democratic Caucus members of the Board of Legislators voted against the budget because of the continuing long-standing structural imbalance and fiscal irresponsibility.

Today, the Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL) passed the $1.8 Billion 2017 Operating Budget by a vote of 10-7.  The 2017 budget is the 7th consecutive county budget that carries no tax increase.

Recently, at the Westchester County Board of Legislators, Legislators David Tubiolo (R-Mount Vernon & Yonkers) and Lyndon Williams (D-Mount Vernon) secured funding for the Summer Basketball Program for the City of Mount Vernon. The grant was for $20,600.

(WHITE PLAINS, NY) As the frustrations of the recent Presidential election continue to boil over in many parts of the Country, Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino has again fallen short of fulfilling another commitment; this time to stand up against bigotry and hate crimes despite a recent pledge to do so.  In the previous year Rob Astorino has failed to properly staff the public safety department and now reneged on a pledge to take action against inflammatory and discriminatory public behaviors.  

On Friday, November 4 at the Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL), Legislator David Tubiolo (R-Mount Vernon & Yonkers) hosted a Mock Legislature for the 5th grade class of St. John the Baptist Elementary School.  The students were chaperoned by their 5th grade teacher Mrs. Maria Muoio, and parents.