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Please join us online Monday night for our annual Women's History Month Celebration streaming live from the BOL Chamber at 7 p.m. prior to the start of our regular BOL meeting that night. Video link will go live at https://westchestercountyny.legistar.com at 7 p.m.
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White Plains, NY -- Racist violence is an intolerable affront to our values as Americans and to our shared humanity.
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White Plains, NY — With the New York State Association of Counties holding its annual Legislative Conference in Albany this week, Board Chairwoman Catherine Borgia has been appointed to the Association's Women's Leadership Council, as well as to NYSAC's standing committees on Children with Special Needs and on Public Health & Mental Health.
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White Plains, NY — Marcello Figueroa has joined the Westchester County Board of Legislators as its new Legislative Director, Chairwoman Catherine Borgia announced.
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White Plains, NY— The Board of Legislators is taking up a measure to make critical changes in decades-old language in Westchester County's laws relating to people with developmental disabilities.
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