In proclaiming March as Women’s History Month in Westchester County, the County Board of Legislators celebrated the outstanding contributions of individuals within the community on Monday, March 7. The theme this year was “Women in Public Service”. 

(WHITE PLAINS, NY)  Earlier today, US Senator Chuck Schumer held a press conference in Yonkers to announce legislation that would directly address the persistent lead problem in Westchester County and elsewhere in the Hudson Valley.  The proposal is to provide federal tax credit to remove lead from private properties and increase HUD funding for healthy homes and lead hazard control programs.

(WHITE PLAINS, NY) After County Executive Rob Astorino rescinded an Executive Order from the prior administration which made it easier to register to vote, Legislator Ben Boykin (D-White Plains) has introduced legislation to codify requirements that will engage more citizens in the electoral process.  The initial Executive Order, signed in 2002, required voter registration forms to be placed at any County facility that “currently provides walk-in services to the public” in order to reach a broader range of potential voters and, thereby enhance the voter registration process in Westchester County.  County Executive Astorino rescinded that order early in 2015. 

(WHITE PLAINS, NY) At the first meeting after the Board of Legislators reorganized itself for the start of a new session, several Legislators have introduced their first legislative package of the year to help stimulate economic development in Westchester County. 

Board of Legislators Chairman Mike Kaplowitz a Democrat and Vice-chairman Jim Maisano, a Republican have announced that they have the support of a majority of their colleagues on the Board of Legislators to continue in their leadership positions for the 2016-2017 legislative session.  The bipartisan power-sharing arrangement that has been in place for the past two years led to the most productive legislative term in many years.  Chairman Kaplowitz and Vice-Chairman Maisano began serving on the Board of Legislators together in 1998.