White Plains, NY — We offer our full support and best wishes for success to Governor Hochul.  We have seen her steady hand at work for years and know she is qualified and ready to take charge in these challenging times. We look forward to working with her in the days ahead to move New York forward.

White Plains, NY — The conclusion of independent investigators, as described in the report released Tuesday by Attorney General Letitia James, that "the Governor engaged in conduct constituting sexual harassment under federal and New York State law," makes it untenable for him to remain in the position of the highest authority in New York.

White Plains, NY —  Westchester County seniors will soon have a new reason to get outdoors and get some exercise in Westchester.

 2021 Mid Year Report

White Plains, NY — Improvements to County parks from Montrose to Mount Vernon; investments in roads, transportation, Westchester Community College and waste management infrastructure; strengthening government ethics; police reform; and increasing transparency in the co-op market -- these are just a few of the Board of Legislators' achievements in the first half of 2021, outlined in Board Chair Ben Boykin's 2021 Mid-Year Report released this week.

Congratulations 2021 Jandon Scholars

White Plains, NY — On Monday evening, the Westchester County Board of Legislators celebrated the generosity of the Jandon Foundation and the accomplishments of the 15 recipients of scholarships in the 2021 Jandon Scholars program.