Democratic Statement graphic

The Democratic Caucus of the Westchester County Board of Legislators strongly supports the New York Equal Rights Amendment and the inclusion of reproductive rights within New York State’s Constitution. We are disappointed by the recent ruling from a Supreme Court in Livingston County, which denies voters the chance to weigh in on this vital issue. We commend Attorney General Letitia James for her steadfast defense of these fundamental rights and remain confident in her ongoing advocacy for all New Yorkers.

While our State Constitution safeguards certain rights, it currently lacks explicit protections against gender-based discrimination and other crucial classifications. This gap underscores the urgency of initiatives like the Equal Rights Amendment, especially given the US Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade. This recent effort to remove ERA from the ballot will hopefully be reversed, but the very attempt underscores our need for this ballot measure. We call on our colleagues in government and constituents to join us in supporting these critical measures to ensure equity and justice for all individuals across our state so that New Yorkers can flip the ballot over and vote yes in November.