White Plains, NY -- Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority reneged on promises made under oath to honor precedence in upholding the 1973 verdict of Roe v Wade, establishing a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy. In one fell swoop, generations of women, over half of the US population, whom have never lived during a time when abortion was not legal had their autonomy stripped away by five men and one woman bound by their antiquated political beliefs rather than by the Constitution.
The Democratic members of the Westchester County Board of Legislators commend the Biden administration for taking action to preserve access to reproductive health care, just as we did a few short weeks ago. While the order alleviates some fear of prosecution for interstate medical travel; it will not be enough to return American women’s dignity nor the respect our country has lost around the world. The only way to restore faith is for pro-equality voters to turn out and show up in November. The “Land of the Free” depends on it.