White Plains, NY — The first half of 2020 has been one of the most challenging periods in Westchester’s history. The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected every person, business and institution in our County.

Hundreds of lives have been lost. Many residents have lost jobs or have made personal sacrifices as essential workers. Students and teachers had to reimagine the learning process. Businesses have had to scramble to stay afloat. And we've all had to forgo the traditional ceremonies marking the milestones in our lives that give us strength and unity.

Through it all, the Board of Legislators has not stopped working

  • to address the pandemic and its fallout,
  • to adjust to changing mandates from the State,
  • to deal with issues like police reform,
  • to ensure that essential services continue to be provided to residents,
  • to deal with the budget implications of the pandemic,
  • and to plan for an economically and environmentally sustainable County by investing in our roads, parks, transportation and waste removal infrastructure.

The newly released Chairman’s 2020 Mid-Year Report details the Board’s efforts on these and other issues so far this year.  We invite you to read the report at: https://westchesterlegislators.com/images/PDF/2020Mid-YearReport.pdf

The work of recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic has only begun. In the coming months, we will be dealing with impacts that we know and those that we cannot foresee. But the Board of Legislators will continue be here, sleeves rolled up, masks on, to make sure that the people's work continues to get done.