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Chair: Lois Bronz

Committee Members: Jose Alvarado; Robert Astorino; Vito Pinto; Marsha Gordon, Pres., Bus.Council of Westchester; Thomas McGrath, Sr. VP, Comm. Preservation Corp.; Albert Annunziata, Exec.Dir., Building & Realty Institute

Staff: Barbara Dodds

The Committee on Housing is committed to ensuring respectable housing standards and fair housing opportunities for all Westchester residents. It strives to maintain the County’s economic diversity by bridging the widening means gap in the County’s housing market through policies and legislation that encourage local municipalities to build affordable housing. For instance, through the Housing Implementation Fund, the County provides local municipalities with County funds to finance infrastructure improvement costs associated with an affordable housing development. Through the New Homes Land Acquisition Fund, the County purchases property at market rate and then conveys it to a developer for $1 in return for the development of affordable units on the conveyed property.

The Committee also works to:

  • Gain support for building affordable housing by educating the public and public officials about the benefits to municipalities of having a range of housing stock for various income groups;
  • Identify and define populations that need housing opportunities;
  • Improve public perception and support for sustaining a variety of housing;
  • Promote business community involvement;
  • Encourage the County and municipal governments within the County to explore ways to increase economically diverse units of housing;
  • Build support for specific housing sites as identified; and
  • Evaluate County awareness and involvement in fair housing issues
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