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MINUTES: January 26, 2004

HOUSING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Lois Bronz, Chair, Jose Alvarado, Rob Astorino


Legislators: Lois Bronz, Jose Alvarado , Rob Astorino; Staff: Barbara Arrington-Dodds; CEO: Bill Randolph, Planning: Norma Drummond; Others: Sandra Dolman, Disabled on the Move; Karen Schatzel, League of Women Voters of Westchester Housing Committee; Nancy Bensal, Community Housing Resource Center.

Legislator Bronz called the meeting to order at 2:45 p.m.

Legislator Bronz said she would like to continue the tradition of having two non-legislators sit on the committee as non-voting members. The members present agreed unanimously that Marsha Gordon, Chair of the Westchester Chamber of Commerce, serve on the committee again this term along with a representative of the banking community to be decided upon by the committee.

All members agreed to set the quorum for meetings of the committee at 3, including non-voting members. It was also voted to adopt a quorum of 3 voting members for action voted out to the Board with 2 affirmative votes.

The meeting time is tentatively set for Mondays at 2:00 p.m. alternating with Community Affairs as needed. The Housing Committee will periodically meet jointly with Community Affairs on issues of mutual interest.

The mission statement of last term will be reviewed by the members for additions or changes and will be voted on at the next meeting.

Legislator Bronz had guests in the room introduce themselves. Legislator Bronz talked about the Housing Resource Center, represented by Nancy Bensal, which operates under the Housing Action Council with totally private funding. Norma Drummond announced an all day Housing Forum the first Saturday in March at County Center, sponsored by Westchester Interfaith Council and other organizations including the County. Although designed primarily for first time home buyers, materials will be available on all housing grants such as lead abatement and home improvement grants.

Regarding the focus of the committee, Legislator Bronz said that for the last four terms we have been trying very hard to put in place a policy statement on affordable housing. We came very close at the end of the term but had difficulties with language. We need to continue that effort as a priority and might have some public discussion on housing policy.

On February 23, the Housing Committee will meet jointly with Community Affairs, to hear about and approve the housing grant programs for 2004.

Legislator Alvarado made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Legislator Astorino. Legislator Bronz adjourned the meeting at 3:15 p.m.

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