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MINUTES: June 13, 2005

MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky, Legislators: Myers, Abinanti, Stewart-Cousins, Bronz, Pinto, Oros, Burrows

IN ATTENDANCE BOL: A. Giordano, Legislator Spreckman, Legislator Astorino, Legislator Alvarado, P. Ochacher, M. Amodio, H. Corbin; CE: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, E. Gibbs; CA: S. Dolgin-Kmetz, L.Trentacoste, L. Cipolla; Women: T. DuBow, C. Murphy; HRC: A. Greene; DOP: N. Drummond; Guests: S. Pollet, S. Dolman, K. Cheeks-Lomax, S. Dolman, M. Ferone, T. McGrath

With a quorum present, Chairman Martin Rogowsky called the meeting to order @ 1:06 pm.

Legislator Bronz called the Committee on Housing to order.

Item # 79 – Discriminatory Housing Practices: A proposed change to Amend Chapter 700 of the Laws of Westchester County to prohibit discriminatory practices against victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and stalking in housing and employment.

With Tom McGrath, Andrew Neuman and Linda Trentacoste present, Legislators Rogowsky and Bronz led the committee in a discussion on Domestic Violence issues based on the terminology and definition and the possibility of changes in them. There was a brief discussion on terminology with agreement that it could also be different depending upon who commits the crime.

The committee did not have a problem with re-defining domestic violence. Linda Trentacoste said that this covers damage to your property, etc. It was agreed that changes in the terminology is to include all classes of people. The committee talked about when situations change and how they may effect the definitions.

The committees were in agreement to move this item for public hearing pending the changes.

For the Legislation Committee, Chairman Rogowsky accepted a motion made by Legislator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and seconded by Legislator Vito Pinto.

For the Housing Committee, Chairwoman Lois Bronz accepted a motion made by Legislator Jose Alvarado and Legislator Vito Pinto seconded it.

Both committees were adjourned @ 2:12 pm

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