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Committe on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks JOINT WITH BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS

MINUTES: October 16, 2006; 10:00 AM


BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Acting Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Alvarado, Burton, Pinto, Oros, Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph; Budget: L. Bennett, A. Vietro; PW: R. Butler; Planning: J. Mulligan, P. Natarelli, D. McBride, F. McLaughlin; DoC: K. Vollmer; WCC: C. Johnson; County Clerk’s office: B. McGrath; Finance: P. Pucillo; LWV: B. Strauss; H. Corbin; BOL: B. Boland, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg, L. Gantress, D. Toledo, B. Bochow, M. Montalto

With a quorum present, the Budget and Appropriations Committee was called to order at 10:24 a.m.


With a quorum present, the Budget and Appropriations Committee and Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks were called to order at 10:24 a.m.

PWTLP #122
Item 122 is a $500,000 Bond Act to finance the design of Site Improvements to various County Facilities, including the Public Safety Headquarters, Michaelian Office Building and others. Improvements will include security, parking lot, pedestrian access, landscaping and others based on needs of each specific facility.

Legislative concern was raised regarding

o The Dept. agreed to return to PW Committee with the final plan for this project.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 5-1; Legislator Oros voted no.
PWTLP: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

For B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the minutes for October 10, 2006 were approved unanimously.
For PWTLP: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the minutes for October 10, 2006 were approved unanimously.

PWTLP #174
Item 174 is an Act authorizing the sale of 4.903 acres of real property located in Eastchester and formerly part of the County-owned Twin Lakes Park to Eastchester. The parcel is the site of an existing regional composting facility operated by Eastchester for the benefit of itself, Bronxville and Tuckahoe is proposed in order to better serve the interests of both the County and Eastchester regarding the management of this facility and the potential liabilities associated therewith.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Spreckman, the item carried 6-0.
PWTLP: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

PWTLP #167
Item 167 is an Act authorizing the County to enter into an IMA with Mamaroneck for a term of 5 years commencing upon execution. The IMA is related to the Halstead Avenue Bridge over Mamaroneck River and its substructure rehab project. The County undertook the rehab of the bridge, the surface of road supported by it, its approaches, sidewalks, curbs, gratings, drainage structures, railings and signage. The IMA reaffirms each party’s rights and responsibilities regarding the maintenance, repair, snow/ice removal and all policing functions.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Spreckman, the item carried 6-0.
PWTLP: On the motion of Legislator Myers seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

Item 142A is a $750,000 Bond Act to finance the Low Rise Building Rehab Project, specifically the design, construction and construction management costs of the renovation of the District Attorney’s office. The project will include the repair, refurbishment and replacement of finished surfaces, flooring, ceilings, workstations, furniture, hardware systems, building infrastructure systems, moving and storage services of office space which has deteriorated beyond its useful life.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Oros, the item carried 7-0.
PWTLP: On the motion of Legislator Myers seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 5-0.

PWTLP #160
Item 160 is a $620,000 Bond Act which will finance the design phase of the County Clerk portion of the Low Rise Building Rehab project. The anticipated project will include the repair, refurbishment and/or replacement of finished surfaces, flooring, ceilings workstations, furniture, hardware systems, building infrastructure systems, moving and storage services. The last rehab of the County Clerk’s office was under taken in the 1970’s an d1980’s and it has since reached the end of its useful life.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Oros, the item carried 7-0.
PWTLP: On the motion of Legislator Myers seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 5-0.

PWTLP #157
Item 157 is a $260,000 Bond Act which will finance the Armonk Road Connector over Broadway in North Castle rehab project. The bonding will fund the design and construction management of the project. The bridge has an annual daily traffic count of 5,150 and is in need of repair/replacement to provide a safe roadway for the traveling public.

o That a breakdown of all impending similar projects be forwarded to Public Works Committee was requested.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Oros, the item carried 7-0.
PWTLP: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 5-0.

On a motion by Legislator Burton, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the Committee on Public Works adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

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