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Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks Joint with Budget & Appropriations

MINUTES: May 15, 2006

10:00 AM

PUBLIC WORKS, TRANSPORTATION, LABOR & PARKS MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Legislators: Burton, Myers, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Swanson

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Alvarado, Burton, LaMotte, Oros, Pinto, Rogowsky, Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins, Swanson

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph; Budget: L. Bennett, A. Vietro; PW: R. Butler; DoT: H. Stanton; DPS: T. Belfiore, D. Ritucci, P. Stasaitis, J. Luciano, C.J. Westbrook; DoP: F. McLaughlin, W. Brady; WCC: J. Hankin, L. Torrieri, M. Wittenberg, R. Carillo, K. Garng, P. Geraghty; WCCFT: A. D’Orazio; Finance: P. Pucillo; CBAC: B. Strauss, F. MacEchren; H. Corbin; BOL: B. Boland, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg, L. Gantress

With quorums present, the Committee on Budget & Appropriations was called to order at 10:08 a.m.

With a quorum present the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks convened at 10:49 am.

ITEM 87 (T001N)

A $3.6 million dollar Bond Act to fund the Transit Bus Replacement project; the bonding will finance the purchase of 30 new buses with spare parts and equipment. These replacement vehicles will be ADA accessible and utilize ultra low sulfur fuel that creates low emissions.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 10-0, with legislators LaMotte, Oros and Swanson voting without prejudice.

For Public Works: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 5-0, with Legislator Swanson voting without prejudice.

ITEM 86 (BPS11)

A 195,000 bond Act to fund the purchase of Heavy Equipment, the bonding will finance the purchase of a new patrol boat to be used by the Department of Public Safety to further fulfill its mission of supporting all municipalities throughout the County by providing patrol, rescue services and security details on the Hudson River and Long Island Sound.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 9-0.

For Public Works: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 5-0.

ITEM 81 (RB073 & RB093)

A package of legislation including: an IMA with the Town of Bedford for the transfer to the Town of ownership of 0.24 miles of Jay Street between Katonah and Route 22 and 3.03 miles of Bedford Center Road between Main Street and Route 22 and any related right-of-way. And two Capital Project Bond Act authorizations: $60,000 for Capital Project RB073 and $2.1 million for Capital Project RB093.

Capital Project RB073: The County will assist the Town with the design and construction of a sidewalk along the 0.24 mile length of the road between Mustato Rd. and Goldens Bridge Rd.

Capital Project RB093: The Bedford Rd. rehab project includes the resurfacing, replacement of existing concrete curbing and replacement of existing guiderail from Adams St. to I-684.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator LaMotte seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz, the item carried 9-0.

For Public Works: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 11:18 am


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