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Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks JOINT WITH PUBLIC SAFETY & SECURITY

MINUTES: July 10, 2007
3:30 PM

MEMBERS: Chair: K. Jenkins; Legislators: B. Burton, K. Jenkins, J. Myers, V. Pinto

MEMBERS: Chair: B. Burton; Legislators: M. Kaplowitz, K. Jenkins, V. Pinto, G. Burrows

LEGISLATORS: M. Rogowsky, C. Young

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; PARKS: J. Stout, D. McBride, P. Tartaglia, P. Neglia; GUESTS: PRESS: C. Rowe, J. Barnett, T. Everson, J. Kearney; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, C. Gilliberti, D. Toledo, T. Bernard, M. Montalto, N. Scova, L. Gantress, N. Rentz, S. O’Brien, P. Gao, A. Clay

With quorum present, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks and the Committee on Public Safety & Security were called to order at 3:36 p.m.


Director of Playland, Dan McBride and Commissioner of Parks, Recreation, & Conservation, Joseph Stout, appeared before the committee to discuss the current safety and security measures that are in place at Playland amusement park.

Mr. McBride stated for the record that the recent accident at Playland was a crushing blow to the entire Playland family. He stated that at this point the investigation into the death of Gabriella Garin is still ongoing and the County Police are still conducting interviews.

Mr. McBride then gave a presentation on the process of selecting and training Playland employees, including providing the committee with employee handbooks and other materials used to orient staff to the rules and regulations that are to be abided by while working for the park. He stated that the operations and maintenance manuals come from the manufacturers and are reviewed with operators and maintenance staff thoroughly before they are even allowed to work on any particular ride. The operators are also tested on their knowledge of the ride, under the watch of an experienced operator in addition to a supervisor, before they are permitted to operate the particular ride on their own.

Mr. McBride stated that he could not speak to the safety procedures on the nine concessionaire rides. He stated that the Parks Department has not seen any of their safety manuals. The department has requested, since the accident, operational and staffing manuals, ride checklists, and general ride information for each of these rides so that they can review them and make suggestions. When asked by the committee why they had not seen these manuals until now, Commissioner Stout stated that if we had knowledge of their procedures that the County would then assume liability.

Commissioner Stout stated that it will be his recommendation to the County Executive and the Board of Legislators that the County purchase the nine concessionaire rides both from a financial standpoint as well as in the interest of controlling the safety policies on these rides.

Commissioner Stout then gave a preliminary description of the accident of June 29, 2007 on the Mind Scrambler at Playland. No further information was given, as the investigation was still ongoing.

On a motion by Legislator Jenkins, seconded by Legislator Myers, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks adjourned at 4:53 p.m.



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