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Committe on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks

MINUTES: January 31, 2006

MEMBERS: Chair: J. Alvarado; Legislators: A. Stewart-Cousins, V. Pinto, S. Swanson, B. Burton

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; DEF: Commissioner Landi, Robert Matarazzo; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, D. Toledo; GUESTS:

The Tuesday, January 31, 2006 meeting of the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, and Parks was called to order at 3:35 p.m.


On a motion by Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Myers the minutes from the Tuesday, January 24, 2006 meeting were approved 5 to 0.


SW002 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $500,000 in County bonds to finance Waste Water Treatment Plant Repairs Study. (01/23/06 - Also referred to B&A) PWTLP Item #17

On a motion by Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins item was received & filed by a vote of 5-0.


Chairman Alvarado indicated that most of these items were adequately presented during Monday’s (January 30, 2006) Budget Committee meeting, and, that for future items of submitted to both committees, he will try to meet jointly with Budget & Appropriations.

Robert Martazzo, Department of Environmental Facilities, gave a brief overview of each of the following Bond Acts:

SY075 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $500,000 in County bonds to finance Pump Station Rehabilitation Program Saw Mill Sanitary Sewer District (SY075). (01/23/06 - Also referred to B&A) PWTLP Item #18

Mr. Matarazzo said that this is a simple pump replacement, the bond will be used to purchase the pump and that DEF maintenance crew will perform the installation.

SY016 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $200,000 in County bonds to finance Additional Water Service, Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant (SY016). (01/23/06 - Also referred to B&A) PWTLP Item #30

Mr. Matarazzo explained that this is a study to look for another water source into the plant to be used for fire suppression due to recent construction. It is suspected that the current level of water service is no longer adequate.

SY037 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $4,000,000 in County bonds to finance Cellular Bulkhead Rehabilitation, Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant (SY037). (01/23/06 - Also referred to B&A) PWTLP Item #19

Mr. Matarazzo pointed out that the bulkhead was built many years ago, and the last inspection study indicated that the cellular and steel bulkheads, which serve as a boundary and as a waterside retaining structure between the plant and the Hudson River, require repair.

SY021 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $750,000 in County bonds to finance Dewatering Equipment Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant (SY021). (01/23/06 - Also referred to B&A) PWTLP Item #29

Mr. Matarazzo explained that this project will replace and/or rehabilitate dewatering equipment at the Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant. He further indicated that the DC motors are very sensitive to fluctuations in voltage and that Con Edison has insisted, and we have confirmed, that the power supplied to the YJYP is within their specifications, and therefore, would not change the power delivery.

Chairman Alvarado asked for a motion to sign-out all four (4) items

On a motion by Legislator Burton, seconded Legislator Stewart-Cousins, all four items were signed out of committee by a vote of 5-0.

With no further questions by any of the members or attending legislators, on the motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by Legislator Pinto the meeting adjourned at 3:49 p.m.

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