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Committe on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks

MINUTES: January 24, 2006

MEMBERS: Chair: J. Alvarado; Legislators: A. Stewart-Cousins, V. Pinto, J. Myers, S. Swanson, B. Burton

LEGISLATORS: B. Ryan, M. Kaplowitz, G. Oros, B. Spreckman

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; LAW: J. Robertson; PARKS: Joe Stout, R. Belizze, N. Squillante, A. Finateri, P. Tartaglia, J. Condon, P. Neglia, D. McBride, C. Mathews; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, D. Toledo, L. Gantress; GUESTS: T. Everson (News 12), G. Horgan, R. Cambareri, B. Suarez, F. Imburgia, F. Misarti, C. McGaley, R. Sturdivant, D. Siller, M. Blye, J. Emanuel, T. Pete, J. DiPiloto, D. Marzioni, G. Alexander (Billy Casper Golf (BCG), B. O’Hare (BCG), V. Casazza, B Heyman (Journal News), J. Thomas, A. Ford, A. Pezone, R. Pezzarello, M. Slane, D. Hamerslovan, M. Fesco

Meeting of the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, and Parks was called to order at 3:05 p.m.


On a motion by Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Myers the following was unanimously agreed upon by a vote of 6 to 0:

The Committee agreed that the meeting time would be Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m.

The Committee agreed that quorum would be three (3) members to start the meeting.

The Committee agreed that quorum would be four (4) members to vote on an item.

The Committee agreed that four (4) affirmative votes are needed to sign an item out of committee.


Saxon Woods Golf Course

Chairman Alvarado first acknowledged that he received a second memo from Minority Leader Oros, dated January 20th, with regards to the pending County contract with Billy Casper Golf. However, he was unable to share the memo with enough people to get answers regarding the questions raised in the memo, but cited that Commissioner Stout is present and will hopefully be able to answer these questions.

Board Chairman Ryan explained that he had held up this item in the Board of Acquisitions & Contracts (A&C) because at the time that the item was first brought up, the Board of Legislators was reorganizing its committee structure and was without a committee to address this item. He is the Board of Legislators’ representative on A&C and wants to be able to make an informed decision on the item. The item, referred to A&C by the Parks Department, requests permission for the County to enter into a license agreement with Billy Casper Golf to manage the concession at Saxon Woods Golf Course.

Joseph Stout, Commissioner of Parks, recognized members of his staff, the administration, and Casper Golf as people who would aide his testimony: Peter Neglia, Program Specialist, John Condon, Director of Concessions, Pete Tartaglia, Director of Marketing, Anthony Finateri, Assistant Director of Administrative Services, Nick Squalanti, Director of Administrative Services, Rich Valenti, Golf Course Division Coordinator, Brian O’Hare, Regional Vice President of Billy Casper Golf, Grover Alexander, Superintendent at Hudson Hills and Maple, Jim Robertson, Deputy County Attorney, and Chip Mathews, Deputy Commissioner of Parks.

The Commissioner gave a brief presentation as to why he chose to recommend the contract to Billy Casper Golf and not to renew Rocco Cambareri’s contract. He stated that the decision was made because of business reasons, and as the Golf Division is a revenue-driven entity of Parks, this was the most sound business decision based upon the Department’s effort to not require any use of tax dollars. This is accomplished, he said, by making sure golf rounds are up and ensuring good course conditions.

In the fall of 2005, the Commissioner asked for an evaluation of every course, every golf course that Parks operates and maintains with the County: Mohansic, Sprain Lake, Saxon Woods, and Dunwoodie. Saxon Woods was found to have the most physical challenges due to development around the park, which has dramatically changed the drainage.

Responding to several questions posed by members of the Committee, the Commissioner explained his recommendation for entering into a license agreement with Billy Casper Golf. Under the license agreement, Billy Casper Golf will be collecting our greens fees, managing the on-course hospitality of the rangers, and operate the pro-shop (lessons, clinics, sale of (non-food) merchandise to the public). The only difference in this contract is that there is also an agronomic consulting portion. He described them as being capable of helping the County with maintenance plans and project priorities.

When asked by Legislators Swanson and Pinto about the difference between this contract and those for the other four county-maintained courses, Commissioner Stout explained that each agreement contains the rental of the pro-shop space and for a per cart revenue to manage the County’s cart fleet. Two of these agreements were already passed in 2005 for Maple Moor and Hudson Hills.

Legislator Myers asked why there was no Request For Proposal (RFP) process for this contract. The Commissioner explained that there had already been through an evaluation for the previous two contracts. Board Chairman Ryan provided both the procurement policy adopted by the Board in 1992 and an opinion by the County Attorney stating that leases, licenses and concessions are exempt from the RFP process.

Legislator Kaplowitz examined the monetary side of the agreement. The Commissioner indicated that the County would see a comparative savings that can be reinvested into the golf course according to the terms of the agreement.

Board Chairman Ryan then asked if there were any other questions regarding the item.

Legislator Oros asked that the Chairman Ryan delay this item for two weeks so that more questions can be answered.

It was agreed that, within 24 hours, the Parks Department provide Chairman Ryan a revised breakdown of where the money would be flowing (revenue and expenses flowchart) according to this licensing agreement, as well as information on the number of rounds of golf played at Saxon Woods.

It was also agreed that the Committee on Budget & Appropriations meet with the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks on a Friday morning, in the very near future, to discuss and receive information on the County’s golf courses.

Chairman Alvarado stated that he was satisfied with the information that has been shared with the Committee and has no reservations about this item being acted upon by the Board of A&C on Thursday, January 26, 2006.

With no further questions by any of the members or attending legislators, on the motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by Legislator Pinto the meeting adjourned at 4:44 p.m.

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