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Committe on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks

MINUTES: January 19, 2007

11:00 AM

committee ON public works, TRANSPORTATION, LABOR AND PARKS MEMBERS: Chair: J. Alvarado; Legislators: B. Burton, J. Myers, B. Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; DPS: M. O’Connor, D. Long; DEF: T. Lauro; GUESTS: M. Antobelli, F. Sears; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, D. Toledo

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks was called to order at 11:10 a.m.


PWTLP #195 – Purchase of 450 Saw Mill River Road for general municipal use

Sal Carrera, Director of Real Estate and Economic Development joined the committee to talk about the space needs for the new Board of Elections location, and how the property at 450 Saw Mill River fulfills those needs.

Chair Alvarado stated that he spoke with Election Commissioner Reginald Lafayette and indicated that there is a pressing need to establish a location for the storage of the new HAVA compliant machines that the County will have to house.

Board Chairman Ryan spoke about the concern that purchasing the property takes it off the tax rolls for the Ardsley School System. He went on to say that State aid to the school district would likely increase based on the removal of 450 Saw Mill River Road.

(Myers, Burton) move the proposed package of legislation including an act authorizing the County to purchase approximately 5.37 acres of real property commonly known as 450 Saw Mill River Road in the Town of Greenburgh for general municipal purposes; a Capital Budget Amendment; and related bond acts. Motion passed 4-0.

PWTLP Item #189 – IMA with City of Yonkers – Tibbetts Brook Park, Scotti Park, and Wakefield Park

Commissioner of Parks, Joseph Stout and Peter Neglia appeared before the committee. Commissioner Stout stated that the completion for the athletic field at Tibbetts Brook Park is set for this Spring. He went on to talk about the advantages to the County of having the City of Yonkers maintain and operate all three parks.

(Alvarado, Burton) move the proposed act and related bond act authorizing the County to enter into an IMA with the City of Yonkers whereby the City will operate and maintain an athletic field complex at Tibbetts Brook Park and renovate playground areas at Scotti Park and Wakefield Park. Motion passed 4-0.

PWTLP Item #208 – Local Law amending a lease agreement with i.park Westchester

Sal Carrera Director of Economic Development Board approval for lease in i.park. He state that there he reworked the rent schedule to pay more per square foot upfront during the first 10 years of the 20 year lease and in the end the County will be saving $137,000 over the life of the lease.

(Ryan, Myers) move the proposed Local Law authorizing the County to amend a lease agreement with i.park Westchester LLC for approximately 100,000 square feet of space at the Metrocenter @ i.park, 28 Wells Avenue, Yonkers. Motion passed 4-0.

PWTLP Item #201 – Bond Act for $500,000 for Sewer Districts Heavy Equipment Replacement

Tom Lauro from Department of Environmental Facilities detailed the equipment that is set to be replaced. This equipment includes: a tanker and tractorused for sludge transportation, a utility vehicle, and two generators (185kw & 250kw) with trailers. The equipment has the ability to be used at any location.

(Myers, Burton) move the Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $500,000 in bonds to finance Capital project – Sewer Districts Heavy Equipment Replacement. Motion passed 4-0.

PWTLP Item #202 – Bond Act for $200,000 for Forcemain Replacement at Various Pump Stations

Tom Lauro spoke about the proposed legislation addressing Phase III of this forcemain replacement project. The $200,000 represents study money for all pump stations, including: Croton, Irvington, 5th Avenue in New Rochelle, Fennimore and Edgewater Pump Stations.

(Burton, Ryan) move the Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $200,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project– Forcemain Replacement. Motion passed 4-0.

PWTLP Item #187 – Bond Act for $1,750,000 for Emergency Generator Replacement at Yonkers Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant

Tom Lauro stated that the current generator is twenty-nine (29) years old and has a capacity of 1500kw. DEF had a feasibility study performed to evaluate current operations. It was determined that a 2500kw generator is needed. The current generator does not have the dewatering equipment and several other necessary features that would help the plant run more effectively. Mr. Lauro went on to detail the effects of lengthy power outages caused by the underperforming 1500kw generator.

(Alvarado, Myers) move the Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $1,750,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project – Emergency Generator Replacement Yonkers Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant. Motion passed 4-0.

PWTLP Item #200 – Bond Act for $8,000,000 for Ossining Waste Water Treatment Plant Performance Maintenance

Tom Lauro spoke about Phase III of the performance maintenance at the Ossining Waste Water Treatment Plant. This phase of the project will provide additional sludge storage capacity as well as a new sludge loading facility with odor control. This upgrade with include the improvement of all building services such as water, electric, and HVAC, all which support the odor control.

(Burton, Ryan) move the Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $8,000,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project – Ossining Waste Water Treatment Plant Performance Maintenance. Motion passed 4-0.

(Burton, Myers) move the minutes of meetings from March 21, 2006; May 9, 2006; and December 12, 2006. Motion passed 4-0.

(Alvarado, Burton) move the minutes of meetings from June 19, 2006 and October 17, 2006. Motion passed 4-0.

On a motion by Legislator Burton, seconded by Legislator Myers, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

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