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Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks

MINUTES: February 6, 2007
3:30 PM

MEMBERS: Chair: J. Alvarado; Legislators: B. Burton, V. Pinto, S. Swanson, J. Myers

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; DPS: M. O’Connor, D. Long; DEF: T. Lauro; GUESTS: M. Antobelli, F. Sears, R. Burton, L. Salley, A. Vietro, L. Bennett, A. Reasoner, J. Delaney, T. Sutton, R. Butler, J. Spano; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, D. Toledo, C. Crane, R. Indelicato

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks was called to order at 3:40 p.m.


PWTLP #216 – Proposed Act amending the 2006 Port Chester Sanitary Sewer District Operating Budget

(Burton, Pinto) move the proposed act amending the 2006 Port Chester Sanitary Sewer District Operating Budget. Motion passed 4-0.

PWTLP Item #193 – Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $100,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project B014B – Exterior Infrastructure Repairs, White Plains Complex.

Commissioner of Public Works, Ralph Butler indicated that the project would require extensive masonry repairs, as well as waterproofing work at 112 East Post Road.

(Pinto, Burton) move the proposed act authorizing the County to issue up to $100,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project B014B – Exterior Infrastructure Repairs, White Plains Complex. Motion passed 5-0.

PWTLP Item #198 – $750,000 in bonds for Capital project BCR5A – Infrastructure Improvements (2001-2005).

Commissioner Butler stated that the appropriation is to be used in the upgrading of the air conditioning and sprinkler systems in County penitentiary.

(Pinto, Myers) move the proposed act authorizing the issuance of up to $750,000 in bonds to finance Capital project BCR5A – Infrastructure Improvements (2001-2005). Motion passed 5-0.

PWTLP Item #185 – Proposed Act authorizing the issuance of up to $940,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project BES05 – DES Main Facility Renovation.

Sutton: Money would be used to renovate the Department of Emergency Services center. Repairs to backyard, classrooms, construction of support services building, had been previously performed, now need to renovate the main building.

(Burton, Pinto) move to send a letter to the administration. Motion passed 5-0.

PWTLP Item #206 – correspondence from the Town of Cortlandt requesting the inclusion of one parcel (36 Hill and Dale Road) into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer.

(Burton, Pinto) move to send a letter to the administration. Motion passed 5-0.

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Discussion
In response to the increased traffic volume in Central Avenue corridor, the Department of Transportation put out a request for proposal and ultimately arrived at an agreement with STV, Inc. of Bergen County, New Jersey to evaluate the feasibility of Bus Rapid Transit options in the corridor.

Commissioner of Transportation Larry Salley described the difference between regular bus transit and “Rapid Bus Transit,” ultimately it depends on what municipalities want. BRT can involve many things, including dedicated bus lane on roads, constructing new bus stations, etc. There is no set definition. In general, Bus Rapid Transit establishes priority movement of buses in a designated corridor.

(Pinto, Swanson) move the minutes of meetings from February 21, 2006; April 18, 2006; and April 25, 2006. Motion passed 5-0.

(Burton, Myers) move the minutes of meetings from January 19, 2007. Motion passed 5-0.

On a motion by Legislator Burton, seconded by Legislator Myers, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks adjourned at 4:20 p.m.



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