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Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks

MINUTES: February 27, 2007
3:30 PM

MEMBERS: Chair: J. Alvarado; Legislators: B. Burton, V. Pinto, S. Swanson, J. Myers, K. Jenkins

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; DPW: P. Kruck, A. LaCroce; PARKS: J. Stout, D. McBride, P. Neglia; PLANNING: P. Natarelli; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, D. Toledo, M. Montalto; PRESS: L. Anderson (Journal News)

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks was called to order at 3:33 p.m.


PWTLP #228 – RP22B - Playland – Existing Ride Acquisition

Commissioner of Parks, Joseph Stout gave a brief presentation of the benefits of acquiring the rides at Playland. He stated that the goal of doing this—ultimately retaining a larger share of the money spent at the amusement park—is consistent with and is an action based upon the recommendations of the Playland Master Plan. The proposed act would allow the County of Westchester to purchase eight rides: Crazy Mouse (Zig Zag), Super Flight (Voltare), Kite Flyer, Playland Plange (Shoot the Chute), Catch a Wave, Double Shot, Fun Slide, and Jungle Jammin’.

(Myers, Pinto) move the proposed act authorizing the issuance of up to $6,000,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project RP22B-PRC/Playland Existing Ride Acquisition. Motion passed 6-0 with Legislator Swanson voting without prejudice.

PWTLP #207 – Playland Parking (Satellite Parking for 4th of July)

Legislator Myers submitted correspondence from City of Rye Councilman Mark Cunningham requesting a study by the County on using remote satellite parking for Playland’s July 4th celebration.

Commissioner Stout stated that unless there is tremendous cooperation from the state that would close Playland Parkway, in his opinion, having remote satellite parking areas is not a viable option at this moment. The options are either, everyone gets shuttled into Playland, with no one having the opportunity to park at Playland, or keep the current arrangement of having people park until full capacity is met. He also mentioned that with many patrons desiring to picnic at the park, the option of getting on a shuttle with picnic equipment is not desirable.

The committee decided to keep the item for further consideration. Legislator Myers agreed to look into further options for making the 4th of July celebration at Playland a more efficient and a more pleasant experience.

PWTLP Item #218 – RB135 – Transfer of County Roads with Town of Harrison

Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, Phil Kruck, and Anthony LaCroce, Director of the Capital Project Group, presented

(Burton, Pinto) move the proposed packet of legislation including three acts authorizing the County to amend its 2007 Capital Budget, issue a related bond act, and enter into an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Harrison pursuant to which the county will transfer ownership of the following County roads to the Town: Lake Street, Underhill Avenue, and Silver Lake Connection. Motion passed 5-0.

PWTLP Item #222 – RB2KK – Warburton Avenue over Factory Lane, Hastings-on-Hudson

Deputy Commissioner Kruck indicated that the last major repair to this bridge (currently with traffic count of appx. 4,000 vehicles/day) took place in 1992, when the concrete deck was rehabilitated.

(Burton, Pinto) move the proposed act authorizing the County to issue up to $1,600,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project RB2KK – Warburton Avenue over Factory Lane, Hastings-on-Hudson. Motion passed 5-0.

PWTLP Item #221 – RB2LL – Quaker Ridge Road over Pine Brook Boulevard

Leg. Pinto describes interactions with the city of New Rochelle and residents over road designs and traffic control of the road. Additionally, future discussions will be held with regards to turning over the road to the municipality.

Mr. Kruck stated that the bridge has average daily traffic county approximately 6,000 vehicles, and a bridge rating of 4.861.

(Pinto, Burton) move the Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $2,710,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project RB2LL – Quaker Ridge Road over Pine Brook Blvd & Sheldrake River, New Rochelle. Motion passed 6-0.

PWTLP Item #224 – RB2NN – Thompson Street over Bronx River in Yonkers

Mr. Kruck said that the money is needed for design, construction, and construction management. Tasks include water proofing, deck repairs, new sidewalks. The bridge has an average traffic count of 300 vehicles/day, and a bridge rating of 5.

(Pinto, Jenkins) move the Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $1,000,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project RB2NN-Thompson Street over Bronx River, Yonkers. Motion passed 6-0.

(Myers, Pinto) move the minutes from August 15, 2006, as amended. Motion passed 6-0.

On a motion by Legislator Burton, seconded by Legislator Myers, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks adjourned at 4:23 p.m.



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