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Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks

MINUTES: December 12, 2006; 3:30 PM

COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS, TRANSPORTATION, LABOR AND PARKS MEMBERS: Chair: J. Alvarado; Legislators: A. Stewart-Cousins, B. Burton, J. Myers, B. Ryan


IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; DEF: A. Landi, M. Parise; GUESTS: M. Antobelli, F. Sears; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, D. Toledo

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks was called to order at 3:38 p.m.


A&C item regarding an agreement with City Carting of Westchester, Inc.

Chairman Alvarado stated that he called a meeting at this time because of the advanced time in which the contract with City Carting, Inc. is being brought up for renewal. The current contract is set to expire in 2010.

Appearing before the committee were Department of Environmental Facilities Commissioner Anthony Landi, Mario Parisi, along with Michael Antobelli, and Frederick Sears from City Carting.

Currently, recyclable sales are split 80-20 in the County’s favor, and since the inception of the original contract City Carting has enhanced recycling by $1 million per year.

A significant tool in performing this recycling is the paper bailer, which has come an unreliable machine. City Carting are willing to replace a paper bailer at a capital cost of $550,000 in return for the extension of their current contract. The bailer has already been out of service for 39 days in the current year. The bailer has a life expectancy of 15 years and was originally installed in 1992.

Legislator Abinanti requested a chart on tonnage and revenue from recyclables.

Upon the presentation given by Commissioner Landi and City Carting, Legislator Alvarado, with the support of the Committee, proposed that Chairman Ryan proceed with the approval of the renewal contract.

Legislator Alvarado brought to the attention committee that PWTLP Items #’s 199 & 203 have been addressed through the Committee on Budget & Appropriations during which all members were present. Without any objection, Legislator Alvarado asked for a motion on both items.

PWTLP Item #199
(Burton, Myers) move the proposed act modifying the Peekskill Sanitary sewer District by the addition of fifty-two (52) parcels of property located in the Town of Yorktown. Motion passed 5-0.

PWTLP Item #203
(Burton, Myers) move the proposed act to modify the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of five (5) parcels of property located in the Town of Yorktown. Motion passed 5-0.

On a motion by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by Legislator Myers, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks adjourned at 4:08 p.m.

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