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Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor and Parks

MINUTES: April 5, 2007
2:00 PM

MEMBERS: Chair: J. Alvarado; Legislators: B. Burton, V. Pinto, S. Swanson, J. Myers, K. Jenkins

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; DPW: R. Butler; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, D. Toledo

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks was called to order at 2:15 p.m.


Commissioner of Public Works, Ralph Butler appeared before the Committee to present seven bond acts for various capital projects. The following represents the action taken by the committee with regard to these bond acts.

PWTLP #232 – B014B: White Plains Complex, Exterior Infrastructure Repairs

(Pinto, Myers) move the proposed act authorizing the County to issue up to $275,000 in bonds for: Exterior Infrastructure Repairs, White Plains Complex (2006-2010). Motion passed 6-0.

PWTLP #234 – B0082: Low Rise Building Rehabilitation

(Pinto, Burton) move the proposed act authorizing the County to issue up to $8,950,000 in bonds for: Low Rise Building Rehabilitation, White Plains. Motion passed 6-0.

PWTLP Item #235 – B0081: Rehabilitation of Record Center – 2199 Saw Mill River Road

(Pinto, Myers) move the proposed act authorizing the County to issue up to $400,000 in bonds for: Rehabilitation of Record Center, 2199 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford. Motion passed 6-0.

PWTLP Item #238 – RB01H: Rehabilitation of Roadway Culverts, Various Locations

(Swanson, Pinto) move the proposed authorizing the issuance of up to $300,000 in bonds for: Rehabilitation of Roadway Culverts, Various Locations. Motion passed 6-0.

PWTLP Item #227 – B0090: Retrofit Diesel Powered Vehicles

(Jenkins, Pinto) move the proposed act authorizing the County to issue up to $2,500,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project B0090-Retrofit Diesel Powered Vehicles. Motion passed 6-0.

PWTLP Item #241 – B021B: County Wide Office Renovations

(Burton, Jenkins) move the proposed act authorizing the issuance of $1,610,000 in bonds for: County-wide Office Renovations. Motion passed 6-0.

PWTLP Item #250 – B035B: Heavy Equipment Replacement

(Pinto, Jenkins) move the proposed act authorizing the County to issue up to $175,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project B035B-Heavy Equipment Replacement (2006-2010). Motion passed 5-0.

(Pinto, Burton) move to receive and file PWTLP Items 259, 260, 261, and 262. Motion passed 5-0.

On a motion by Legislator Burton, seconded by Legislator Myers, the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor, & Parks adjourned at 3:53 p.m.



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