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Committee on Public Safety and Security

MINUTES: September 25, 2006

Committee members
in attendance: Chairman William Burton and Legislators Michael Kaplowitz, Vito Pinto, and Gordon Burrows.

Also attending: BOL: Legislator Judy Myers; Hope Corbin. District Attorney: John George and Liz Glazer.


Chairman Burton called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

Chairman Burton asked the representatives from the District Attorney’s Office if the issue of gangs is getting worse in Westchester.

John George, First Deputy District Attorney, explained that there has been an increase in gang activity over the past five years. He said gang members are arming themselves well: instead of using their fists, they are using guns and knives, increasing the number of homicides. He told the Committee that in addition to the national gangs that most people have heard of there are more traditionally ethnic local gangs, and they have all made drug trafficking a business. The DA’s office now has a gang and gun violence unit that tracks cases for gang activity and location. Mr. George told the Committee that the DA’s office is taking a more proactive approach to gang violence than it has in previous years.

Liz Glazer, Second Deputy District Attorney, provided the Committee with a presentation on the arrest history for Westchester. A copy of this presentation is on file.

Ms. Glazer is responsible for investigative activities. Her department looks for patterns in criminals to be able to pinpoint their locations and remove them from the streets faster. She explained that the DA’s office has also been more strict about holding arrestees to their original charges and not reducing the charge to a lesser crime.

Ms. Glazer went through the Arrest History Analysis presentation with the Committee. She explained that the numbers show a small amount of people repeatedly committing crimes, not a growing number of criminals.

The District Attorney’s office is also developing a comprehensive computer system that will interface with local cities, towns, and village police departments to track crimes and criminals faster. The municipalities will not need new computer systems, the software the DA is using will make all of the systems compatible with each other. Many of the police departments have already agreed to share their information with the DA’s office.

Legislator Burrows inquired about the anticipated budget for this project. Ms. Glazer explained that they have already applied for grant monies and they have received a large increase in funding from the State. They have already turned over a substantial amount of this increase to Yonkers and Mount Vernon so they will be able to participate.

The Committee asked if there is a database on DNA. Mr. George and Ms. Glazer explained that they have been working closely with the County Labs and Research Department, and they rely on them for DNA testing, fingerprints and blood typing.

They also informed the Committee that they have had several meetings with various Yonkers officials to try to help stop the recent increase in stabbings and shootings in the city.

There being no further business before the Committee, Legislator Pinto offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Burrows that the Public Safety and Security Committee adjourn. The motion carried at 9:50 a.m.

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