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Public Safety & Security Committee to Confront Underage Drinking in Westchester County

PRESS ADVISORY: October 19, 2007

Contact: Chris Giliberti, Committee Coordinator, Tel: (914) 263-3675, ChristinaG@westchesterlegislators.com

The following guests will be present at the next PSS Committee meeting to discuss the issue of Westchester teens and underage drinking:

The Committee will meet Monday, October 22, 2007 at 9am in the Budget Conference Room on the 8th Floor of the Michaelian Office Building, located at 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains

This meeting is open to the public.

For further information, please call (914) 263-3675.


Underage drinking has afflicted Westchester for some time. The formation of several municipal, community and county task forces substantiates the presence of the problem, as well as the urgency of addressing (and eradicating) it. Local and county law enforcement groups, government agencies and community action coalitions have all been part of the effort to prevent underage drinking. Unfortunately,

notwithstanding the number of organizations at work, teens continue to gain access to alcohol – whether through pervasive use of fake IDs or dispensation by imprudent parents and alcohol merchants.

Incidents as recent as last week force the Committee, charged with public safety and welfare policy for the County, to call into question what is currently being done to combat the ongoing conflict between Westchester’s youth and the illegal possession of alcohol. How great of a problem is it? What steps are being taken at this point? What progress has been made? Why and how are teens still gaining access to alcohol?

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