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Committee on Public Safety and Security Minutes

March 6, 2006

Committee members in attendance: Chairman William Burton and Legislators Michael Kaplowitz, Vito Pinto, and Gordon Burrows

Also attending: Legislators Judy Myers and Clinton Young of the Board’s Family Health and Human Services Committee; representative from the County Executive's Office William Randolph; and visitors Regina Pellegrino, Hope Corbin, Laurie Nikolski, and Melissa Klein.


Chairman Burton called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.

Dr. Joshua Lipsman, the Commissioner of the Department of Health gave a presentation on the Bird Flu Virus and how the County and State are prepared for a possible outbreak. A paper copy of the presentation is on file.

The Commissioner described the possibilities the County could face depending on the severity of a Bird Flu outbreak. There could be anywhere from 120-1,300 hospital admissions per week in Westchester, with 35- 300 influenza related deaths per week. Influenza patients could use between 19% and 63% of County hospital beds, 38-125% of intensive care capabilities, and 20-65% of hospital ventilators.

Dr. Lipsman explained that the State Department of Health has a Pandemic Influenza Plan that consists of 13 sections to provide medical treatment guidance and minimize the spread of disease.

Commissioner Lipsman discussed the County response to the Bird Flu Virus. The Health Department and the Department of Emergency Services are focusing on educating the public about the virus, monitoring hospital activity, and preparing to control the virus if there is an outbreak. He advised the Committee and the public to wash your hands often, stay home if you are sick, and to not stockpile antiviral drugs.

Dr. Lipsman explained that if an outbreak were to occur, Antony Sutton, Commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services would lead the County’s response. DES handles all County Emergencies, from natural disasters and terrorist attacks, to the spread of disease. The Department of Health would play a key role in the response and work in conjunction with DES.
Legislator Young inquired about the possibility of a flu shot shortage. He asked if there was a plan or priority list of who will receive the shot. Dr. Lipsman explained that it is important to have all of the vaccine providers on the same priority plan. The vaccine providers and administers would receive the shot first, then those most at risk for the flu such as senior citizens, and then the vaccine would be given to the general population.

Legislator Kaplowitz stated that his father, a practicing physician in New Rochelle, has reported that there is already a vaccine shortage for this year’s flu season. Commissioner Lipsman said this was the first he was hearing of this, and he has been informed that there will be enough vaccines for this year.

The Committee inquired about how many people have been diagnosed with the Bird Flu world wide, and when a vaccine will be available. Dr. Lipsman explained that 150 people have contracted the Bird Flu Virus from chickens. A vaccine cannot be created until an outbreak occurs and we are able to figure out what type of vaccine will work on all people.

Commissioner Lipsman informed the Committee that if a severe outbreak were to occur, the County may discourage any form of mass gathering, such as public meetings, and schools and malls may have to be closed to prevent the spread of the virus.

Chairman Burton expressed his concern for the prison population, nursing homes, and hospital populations. Dr. Lipsman said that these facilities may in fact be safer than other places where people congregate, as a sick individual can be quickly isolated and because the other residents do not circulate among the general public. He said that prisons, nursing homes, and hospitals are a top priority for the flu vaccine every year, not just for the Bird Flu.

Dr. Lipsman completed his presentation and the Committee agreed to ask Commissioner Sutton from the Department of Emergency Services to attend the next meeting on March 13, 2006 to discuss the Bird Flu from the perspective of DES.

With a quorum present, Legislator Kaplowitz offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Pinto to approve the minutes. The motion carried with a vote of 4-0.

There being no further business before the Committee, Legislator Burrows offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz that the Public Safety and Security Committee adjourn. The motion carried at 9:57 a.m.

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