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Committee on Public Safety and Security Minutes

March 13, 2006

Committee members in attendance: Chairman William Burton and Legislators Michael Kaplowitz, Vito Pinto, Gordon Burrows, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and Suzanne Swanson.

Also attending: BOL: Legislator George Oros; Representatives from the County Executive's Office: William Randolph and Andrew Neuman; and visitors: Matthew Kerner, Laurie Nikolski, Richard Liebson, and Tracy Everson.


Chairman Burton called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m.

With a quorum present, Legislator Burrows offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Pinto to approve the minutes. The motion carried with a vote of 4-0.

The Committee discussed the Yonkers Resident Guide that was distributed by Legislator Burrows, and the need for a County guide that will include instructions for various possible emergencies.

Anthony Sutton, Commissioner of Emergency Services, spoke to the Committee regarding Bird Flu preparedness from the perspective of DES. In the case of a breakout of Bird Flu in the County, the Department of Emergency Services would provide all of the logistical support.

The Commissioner said that DES has focused on training of first responders for quarantine and isolation preparation a priority. Because a pandemic would put EMS workers at equal risk with the general population, these workers would be inoculated early. The Commissioner said that in a pandemic there would be a unified command structure with Public Safety, the Department of Health, and the Department of Emergency Services. DES would take the lead when dealing with EMS, hospitals, and police and fire departments.

Commissioner Sutton told the Committee that DES would also work with FEMA and Homeland Security in a pandemic situation. DES would also activate the WEVER’s and registered volunteers to help. There are also Push Packs, medical equipment stored across the County that can be activated within 24 hours if needed.

The Committee asked the Commissioner about the Mutual Aid Plan. He responded that there is a plan in place that is growing and changing as new challenges come about and new solutions are found. DES works closely with the State and Federal governments on this plan. The plan also includes a hospital shared staff agreement so that legitimate doctors and other medical personnel can be assigned to hospitals with which they do not ordinarily work by pre-qualifying their credentials.

Commissioner Sutton said there is a protocol in place for each type of incident possible. This plan was sent to the municipalities in throughout the County. The Committee requested copies of this plan.

Commissioner Sutton informed the Committee that DES is in the process of creating an Incident Management Team. There are currently Westchester people on the State team.

The Committee asked Commissioner Sutton about tie line costs for emergency responders. The Commissioner said that the current tie-line technology is old and that Verizon has been slow to respond with updating it. The Committee asked for a time frame on updates and a list of which municipalities have to pay for their tie lines and why. Chairman Burton stated that the Committee would revisit the issue in the near future.

There being no further business before the Committee, Legislator Pinto offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz that the Public Safety and Security Committee adjourn. The motion carried at 10:08 a.m.

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