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Committee on Public Safety and Security Minutes

FEBRUARY 27, 2006

Committee members in attendance: Chairman William Burton and Legislators Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Michael Kaplowitz, Vito Pinto, and Gordon Burrows

Also attending: Legislators George Oros and Martin Rogowsky; representative from the County Executive's Office William Randolph; and visitor Regina Pellegrino


Chairman Burton called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m.

Chairman Burton led a discussion of the agenda items circulated to members in advance. He asked each member to take an interest in at least one item and try to make substantial progress on it by the end of the second quarter.

Legislators Pinto and Burrows agreed to function as a sub-committee to work on the Bronx River Parkway reflector system. The lights are down on the Parkway and there are low light levels at several intersections. They both believed that there are better reflectors that the County could use in order to ensure safe driving on the Parkway than are now in place or proposed.

The Committee decided to request Dr. Josh Lipsman, Commissioner of the Health Department, to brief the Committee at its next meeting on the County's preparedness for a potential outbreak of Bird Flu. It was agreed to invite the Families, Health, and Human Services Committee to join this meeting.

Chairman Burton said that he is planning to take a tour of the County Jail and Prison to learn how these facilities work and to review staff working conditions. He invited any interested Committee members to join him.

The Committee discussed the issue of possible unnecessary arrest remands at the County Jail due to arrestees not being able to post bail. Concern was expressed that the County may be unnecessarily holding arrestees because they cannot make bail, which is expensive to the taxpayers. Several members made clear that this discussion should not create any impression that the Committee is urging judges to alter their procedures. The Committee agreed to undertake a research project on this subject.

The Committee discussed the concern of Legislator Kaplowitz that the Department of Labs & Research needs to generate revenue from outside County government for its facilities and services. The Committee decided to follow up on the offer by the Budget Director made during the budget hearing in 2005 to help this Department prepare a business plan.

The Committee discussed the referral by Legislator Oros regarding tie line costs at the Mohegan Fire House. Several municipalities pay for their tie lines, while the County seems to pay the costs for other Departments. Departments in Mohegan and Greenburgh have brought this issue to the Committee's attention. Staff was instructed to find out what fire departments are affected and to report back.

The Committee discussed a public informational hearing on Indian Point. On the advice of Legislator Kaplowitz, it was decided to put off this hearing until issues regarding re-licensing or re-certification have been clarified. It was noted that the County has recently issued a booklet on emergency preparedness to communities around the plant.

The Committee discussed a public informational hearing on the Millennium Pipeline. The Committee decided to conduct this hearing. Representatives of the company and affected communities would be asked to attend and share their plans and concerns, especially regarding how the pipeline will cross the Hudson River. Staff was instructed to look into times and locations for the hearing. During discussion of holding the hearing at the County Center it was pointed out that there are many high school graduations in May.

The Committee discussed other possible public informational hearing topics, including police-fire-ambulance response issues. Chairman Burton said that he will review this area and report back to the committee.

There being no further business before the Committee, Legislator Pinto offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz that the Public Safety and Security Committee adjourn. The motion carried at 9:53 a.m.

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