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Committee on Public Safety and Security Minutes

April 17, 2006

Committee members in attendance: Chairman William Burton and Legislators Michael Kaplowitz, Vito Pinto, Gordon Burrows, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and Bernice Spreckman.

Also attending: BOL: Louise Gantress; Representative from the County Executive's Office: William Randolph.


Chairman Burton called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.

With a quorum present, Legislator Stewart-Cousins offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Pinto to approve the minutes. The motion carried with a vote of 4-0.

The Committee discussed agenda item #15, the possibility of a personal income tax credit for volunteer firefighters and ambulance corps, based on a referral from Chair of the Board, William Ryan. The State legislation now being discussed does not have an Assembly sponsor. Several members of the Committee stated that this issue has been before the Senate and Assembly before and does not seem to go anywhere.

Legislators Stewart-Cousins and Burrows stated that the Yonkers PFA would likely be opposed to this particular legislation. The Committee agreed to keep the item on the agenda until the bill has a sponsor in the Assembly, and we are able to research this and other similar bills further.

The Committee discussed a status report from the MTA Capital Security Program. Legislator Kaplowitz asked that the item be kept on the agenda, as he will be bringing the MTA in to discuss such issues with the Committee on Budget and Appropriations, and he will invite the Public Safety and Security Committee to join them. Chairman Burton and the Committee members agreed to keep the item on the agenda.

Legislator Pinto informed the Committee that he and Legislator Burrows went for a drive on the Bronx River Parkway to examine the Reflectors as they said they would at a previous meeting. He noted that reflectors have been added on several stop signs to make them more visible, and the situation seems to be improving. Legislator Pinto also spoke with the Commissioner of Public Safety, Thomas Belfiore, and the Commissioner of Public Works, Ralph Butler, and they will be installing low level lights at the intersections on the parkway.

There being no further business before the Committee, Legislator Pinto offered a motion that was seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz that the Public Safety and Security Committee adjourn. The motion carried at 9:58 a.m.

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