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MINUTES: October 23, 2006

1:00 PM

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Bronz, Myers, Burrows, Oros, Rogowsky, Abinanti

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; CA: L. Cipollo, L. Trentacoste, R. Hoch, M. Gleeson; TLC: J. Khoch, B. Monohan, R. Spivak, J. DeMarco, M. David; DPS: D. Long; LWV: R. MacLaughlin; BOL: S. Bass, B. Bochow; PRESS: C. Halbtinger, L. Anderson

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:08 p.m.


(Myers, Burrows) Move to approve the minutes of July 24, 2006. Motion passed 6-0.

New York State Home Rule Message to change Legislator John O’Leary’s status in the New York State retirement system

(Bronz, Oros) Move to approve a Home Rule Request to the New York State Legislature to request the enactment of A11368/S4674-c which authorizes John P. O’Leary to apply for retroactive membership in the New York State and local employee’s retirement system.

It was discussed that Legislator O’Leary had joined the retirement system but contributions were not made. Not being any fault of his own, this needs to be remedied for him to receive the monies he is entitled to. He was told the only way to do that is through State Legislation with a Home Rule Message from the County.

Motion approved 7-0.

Placing fines and charges in line with local practices

Chairman Young suggested that it is important for our committee to have a discussion with reference to fines which can be instituted by our boards. We also need to take a look beyond those boards and take an overall look at the schedule of fines.

Committee members requested that a spreadsheet be created detailing what department is the fine under? Who sets the fines? Where is the authority found? How much the fine is? What does the local municipality charge? What date was it last revised? A standard chart is needed to look at making the fines uniform.

Chairman Young believes we can’t just focus on one board’s fines. We must look at all of the fines which are imposed by the county. He said we also need to decide whether we want every commissioner to come to the Board to have their schedule of fines approved. We may also need to look at fines which were set ten or twenty years ago.

The next Legislation Committee meeting will be on Monday, November 13th.

(Burrows, Myers) Move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 6-0.

Committee on Legislation adjourned at 1:31 p.m.

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