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June 21, 2007

Westchester County Board of Legislators Chairman Bill Ryan (D-I-WF, White Plains) and Budget Committee Chairman Michael Kaplowitz (D-I-WF, Somers) announced the County Board’s approval of a home-rule resolution in support of the Hudson Valley Community Preservation Act. The Act would authorize local communities to establish funds aimed at protecting ‘environmental assets’ associated with their natural and historic heritage.

The home-rule resolution was required before the NYS Senate would bring it to a vote.

“In a state with a rich history of land preservation and land-grant institutions, this Act functions as an extension of Westchester’s local commitment to environmental and historical conservation,” said Chairman Ryan. “Providing a new source of revenue will certainly enhance a community’s ability to protect its natural resources.”

The Act provides communities with a number of options to create their own preservation funds, including establishing a local transfer fee on real estate sales, or allowing deposits from property tax revenue. Additionally, the funds will be permitted to accept non-monetary donations, such as land or other resources.

Pending final approval from Albany, participation in and creation of preservation funds will be entirely voluntary. If a municipality chooses to participate, however, the issue must be put to a mandatory referendum and, once initiated, towns are required to adopt a specific plan outlining which areas they intend to protect.

“The Community Preservation Act will preserve communities for generations to come. This legislation will provide local municipalities the tools they need to be environmentally responsible which, in turn, will encourage “smart growth” – two things that are necessary to protect the quality of life in Westchester County,” said Kaplowitz, a current member and immediate past chair of the County Legislature’s Committee on the Environment & Energy.

As the legislative session draws to a close, the Westchester legislators expressed their hope that the the legislation would be passed before state legislators adjourn for the summer.

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