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MINUTES: May 1, 2006, 1:30 PM

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins, Oros, Bronz, Burrows, Myers

IN ATTENDANCE: CA: L. Trentacoste; E. Cipollo; HR: P. Zeman; BOL: P. Ochacher, B. Bochow, S. Bass

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 10:35 a.m.

(Rogowsky, Bronz) move the Minutes of April 3, 2006. Motion passed 5-0.



Legislator Rogowsky stated that he received a letter from a volunteer board member of the Airport Advisory Board who is submitting his letter of resignation based on his desire to not fill out the financial disclosure forms.

Chairman Young stated that all suggested changes have been made, and the legislation is in its final form.

(Rogowsky, Oros) move for public hearing the legislation that would amend the current financial disclosure statement for members of voluntary boards and commissions. Motion passed 6-0.

(Burrows, Myers) move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 6-0. Committee on Legislation adjourned at 1:55 p.m.

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