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MINUTES: May 15, 2006

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Legislators: Abinanti(acting chair), Rogowsky, Burrows, Myers, Oros, Maisano, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, CA: L. Cipollo, L. Trentacoste; Finance: P. Porcillo Budget: L. Bennett BOL: S. Bass, B. Bochow, V. Pinto, B. Boland; GUESTS:

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:38 p.m.


(Oros, Burrows) Move to approve the minutes of May 1, 2006

Motion approved 5-0-1


Legislator Gordon Burrows discussed his proposal to move the budget calendar dates before Election Day. The LWV supports moving the date the budget is released up a week to give legislators and people more time to review the budget.

Leslie Bennett of the County Budget Office said the less data you have the more often the estimates are inaccurate. If the Board decided to move the date up the more questionable the numbers become. The dates are currently specified in the county charter. She doesn’t know any county which has a different fiscal provision.

There was discussion about whether the budget should come out before Election Day, moved up a week, or the fiscal year be changed.

The Commissioner of Finance reminded the committee that they must also consider other important dates if they are going to change the fiscal year.

The County Attorney believed you would need to pass a local law which would be subject to a mandatory referendum. Mr. Abinanti asked the CA to provide the committee with a legal opinion on what they committee could do subjected to referendum.

(Maisano, Myers) move to recess until 2:40 p.m. Motion approved 6-0.

The Committee on Legislation Reconvened at the call of the chair at 2:46.

(Maisano, Abinanti) move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 2-0. Committee on Legislation adjourned at 2:48 p.m.

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