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MINUTES: July 10, 2006, 1:30 PM

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins, Oros, Bronz, Abinanti, Burrows, Maisano, Myers

PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS: Chair: Burton; Legislators: Stewart-Cousins, Pinto, Burrows

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: A. Neuman, B. Randolph; CA: L. Trentacoste; HR: P. Redd-Zeman, M. Mikulsky; DPS: D. Long; TLC: B. Monohan, J. DeMarco; PRESS: C. Halbfinger; BOL: B. Bochow, S. Bass, M. Montalto, M. Amodio, H. Geist, J. Li, J. Ng

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:44 p.m.

(Burrows, Oros) move to receive and file legislation agenda items 4d, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 29, and 31. Motion passed 7-0.

(Burrows, Oros) move the Minutes of April 24, 2006. Motion passed 5-0.



Commissioner Paula Redd-Zeman pointed to three items in the legislation. First, the section that would require all members of all boards must file disclosures. Currently, twenty-eight (28) boards have traditionally filed disclosures while thirty-two (32) boards have not; therefore, the new guidelines would more than double the amount of boards filing financial disclosures. Presently, only policy making boards were required to file disclosures, with the law department determining that definition. Second, under paragraph 19new guidelines allow financial filings to be available for public inspection and reproduction. In the past, Human Resources did not allow such access. The public had access to view the documents, but would not be permitted to make copies. Third, under “Gifts,” new guidelines state that separate gifts that are from the same or affiliated donor must be added together for the purposes of the $75 threshold. She asked that the language be clear to reflect how gifts should be added together.

Legislator Abinanti questioned whether the legislative language was ambiguous and which boards should be considered as being a “policy making board”.

Legislator Young determined that the Committee on Legislation is not ready to take a vote on this item. He suggested that all questions have been considered and answered before the next committee meeting before the legislation is allowed to move forward.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Safety & Security was called to order at 2:02 p.m.


Barbara Monahan of the Taxi and Limousine Commission and Deputy Commissioner Demosthenes Long of Public Safety appeared before the Committee on Legislation and Committee on Public Safety to discuss legislation that would allow for the immobilization, or the use of a boot, on for-hire vehicles that owe a considerable amount of money in unpaid summonses.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins requested that an effort be made to discuss the issue of reciprocity with the City of Yonkers and any other underlying problems with the collection of summonses as it would be the municipality most affected by the proposed legislation.

Legislator Rogowsky stated that the vehicle immobilization standard of five violations is too high. He then indicated that he would like to see the standard should lowered to one notice for the purpose of increasing public safety and protect the integrity of the law.

Following some concern about the number of administrative summonses administered at one time, Ms. Monahan responded that the only time an administrative summonses is sent out is when a car is picked up; one is given to the driver and one is given to the base station for not registering the vehicle.

Legislator Abinanti asked that wherever “summonses” appears in the legislation, that it be clarified to say “unanswered summonses” or “unpaid summonses”.

Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety, Demosthenes Long, noted that the Commissioner may authorize the towing of immobilized vehicles.

Legislator Abinanti questioned the scope of the discretion for public safety authorities to tow immobilized vehicles. Following some discussion, Legislator Young suggested a change to Paragraph 5 to allow in immobilized vehicles may be towed “for public safety reasons.”

After the suggested changes are applied to the legislation, both Committees agreed to meet on July 24th at 1:30 p.m. to vote on this item.

(Bronz, Myers) move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 7-0. Committee on Legislation adjourned at 1:55 p.m.

(Pinto, Burrows) move to adjourn The Committee on Public Safety & Security. Motion passed 4-0. Committee on Public Safety & Security adjourned at 2:27 p.m.

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