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MINUTES: January 8, 2007

1:00 PM

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Rogowsky, Oros, Myers, Bronz, Maisano, Abinanti

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, P. Finiello, K. Pasquale; CA: L. Trentacoste, L. Cipollo; DPS: M. Seman, F. Donovan, D. Long; HR: P. Redd-Zeman; GUESTS: M. Shimsky, B. Strauss, A. Roberts, A. Dengler; BOL STAFF: B. Bochow, S. Bass, M. Amodio, L. Goldstein, P. Ochacher

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:07 p.m.

(Bronz, Myers) move to receive & file items 16, 27, 28, 30, 32, 45. Motion passed 5-0.



Legislator Rogowsky clarified that no substantive changes have been made to the legislation since the previous meeting that addressed the proposed legislation. The only change was the listing of the appropriate volunteer boards and councils that would be required to file the new short form under the new legislation. Board on Parks, Planning, and Solid Waste will continue to file the long form.

Commissioner of Human Resources, Paula Redd-Zeman, spoke about the personal information that is redacted when financial disclosure forms are filed, those being: home address, social security number, and any references to values, i.e. – stock, other ownership interests, etc.

Legislator Oros indicated that there are other boards that he believed other boards should still file the long form, with particular reference to the inclusion of Board of Health.

(Bronz, Rogowsky) move for all purposes to approve a separate financial disclosure short form for individuals who volunteer on County Boards, commissions and councils. Motion passed 4-2. (Nay: Oros, Maisano)

Item 62 - FINES & FEES

This item is a proposal from Chairman Ryan to increase county fines and fees. Michael Amodio, Legislative Advisor to Chairman Ryan, stated that the County’s function is to determine a minimum fine or fee where there are lesser fines or fees in other municipalities in the County; and where a municipality’s fine or fee exceeds the County’s fine or fee, the municipality’s fee stands as the prevailing fine or fee.

Legislators Abinanti & Maisano requested information on Municipal booting fines throughout Westchester County.

The Committee agreed to wait for more information before addressing the issue further.


Chairman Young extended the deadline for Legislator Items for the 2007 State Legislative Package to Tuesday, January 16th, with discussion to begin at the Committee on Legislation meeting on Wednesday, January 17th.

Karen Pasquale, Senior Assistant to the County Executive, presented the County Executive’s suggested Joint State Legislative Program for 2007.

1. Extend the Westchester County property Tax Stabilization and Relief Act

Legislator Maisano indicated that he would like to see both formulas that calculate the redistributed 1.5% sales tax to the county, localities, and school districts.

2. Reform the pistol permit issuing process

The purpose of the legislation is to transfer all aspects of the licensing functions relating to pistol permits from the office of the Westchester County Clerk to the Westchester County Department of Public Safety. This new legislation would mirror that of New York City and Suffolk & Nassau Counties.

The proposed legislation amends subdivision 10 of section 265.00 of the penal law by designating the commissioner/sheriff of public safety as the licensing officer in the county of Westchester. It also amends five separate subdivisions of section 400.00 of the penal law that would affect the transfer of the licensing function from the County Clerk to the commission/sheriff of Public Safety.

Joining Ms. Pasquale, were Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety, Demosthenes Long, Lieutenant Frank Donovan, and Sergeant Matthew Seman.

Deputy Commissioner Long gave a detailed description of the current issuing process for pistol permits. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) already conducts the background checks necessary to the process, which Deputy Commissioner Long indicated represents a bulk of the permit process. DPS then issues their acquired information to the Clerk and then passes to the judge for the final approval.

Pistol permits in Westchester, once issued, are good forever; however there is a recertification every five years. Permit holders must provide their name, address, and make, model, and serial number of the pistol. Deputy Commissioner Long stressed that this is not a renewal, therefore, if a permit holder does not recertify there is little recourse the County can take.

The Committee then engaged in a conversation about the current permit issuing process, and the role of judges.

Legislator Abinanti requested examples of application of NYS Penal Law Section 400.00.

(Bronz, Maisano) move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 7-0. Committee on Legislation adjourned at 2:44 p.m.

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