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MINUTES: January 26, 2006

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Rogowsky, Bronz, Stewart-Cousins, Myers, Oros, Burrows, Abinanti

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; CA: E. Cipollo, B. McGrath; DPS: C. Calabrese; TLC: B. Monohan, J. Zaleski; BOL: B. Bochow, S. Bass, P. Ochacher

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 11:03 p.m.

Chairman Young asked the members to recognize the updated spreadsheet of the Legislator Referrals for the 2006 Joint State Legislative Package, which includes the Minority Caucus’ recommendations.

The members asked that, in future County Executive Proposed State Legislative Packages, the administration identify what are specific to and a priority for Westchester County.

Brendan McGrath, Senior Assistant County Attorney, was asked to isolate the items that have a direct impact on Westchester County. They were identified as follows:

From Sex Offenders
Item #5 – Require nationwide criminal history checks of foster & adoptive families
Item #6 – Criminalize tampering with electronic monitoring equipment

Against Physical Abuse & Sexual Assault
Item #1 – Support the creation of a child fatality review team in Westchester
Item #2 – Implement a dual track child protective program

Item #1 – Authorize DMV to suspend drivers’ licenses and vehicle registrations of those in violation of TLC rules and regulations

Enhancing Public Safety & Public Health
Item #3 – Permit pharmacists to vaccinate and nurses to dispense medications

All items were determined to have a direct impact on Westchester County.

*Legislator Rogowsky asked that items be included that deal with an 1/8% sales tax for the Westchester Medical Center, reducing Medicaid, and Medicaid reimbursements.

Item #2 – Ensure the continued availability of low-cost power to retain & expand jobs

Item #1 – Support Westchester County Tourism by authorizing a distinctive license plate
Item #2 – Authorize technical corrections to a park land de-dedication in the Town of Eastchester

Patsy Yang-Lewis, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Health, talked about the legislation that would permit nurses to dispense medications only in Public Health Clinics (Item #3 under Enhancing Public Safety & Public Health). These medications are limited those treating TB, STDs, and post-exposure to rabies antibiotics. The bill is being modeled after a North Carolina bill.

Legislator Burrows asked for information regarding what other states are allowing nurses to dispense these medications.

Barbara Monahan, Chair of the Taxi & Limousine Commission, spoke about the amending of the Vehicle and Traffic Law to allow for suspension of a driver’s license or vehicle registration for failure to answer to TLC appearance tickets or pay TLC fines (Item #1 under Ensuring a Safer Westchester). Out of 1,800 tickets, that generally average in value $130 per ticket, there are 407 outstanding tickets, however, that amount to $159,250 for a six-month span.

Ms. Monahan said that violators can ask for a formal hearing before the administrative Law Judge, then the judge issues a recommendation, the recommendation then comes back to the commission. Most of the cases don’t apply to the people who are ignoring the notice of violation.

The Committee asked for more information as to why the County Attorney isn’t prosecuting the most outstanding cases.

Brendan McGrath was joined by Lieutenant Christopher Calabrese, Department of Public Safety, to address any questions regarding Public Safety issues under “ENSURING A SAFER WESTCHESTER”.

The legislation that would expand the penalties for underage drinking (Item #2 under Cracking Down on Drunk Drivers & Underage Drinking) would amend both the ABC Law to allow for the suspension of the minor’s driver’s license, or the privilege of obtaining a driver’s license and the V & T Law to prohibit public possession, with the intent to consume, an alcoholic beverage by a minor in any premises licensed to sell such beverages for on-premises consumption or while on any public highway or property.

The Committee asked for more information on the present penalties for underage drinking.

The Committee began the process of going over the Legislator Referrals to the 2006 Joint Legislative Package. Legislator Abinanti presented his referrals, which can be found on the Legislator Referrals spreadsheet.

Chairman Young reminded the Committee that the next meeting would be held on Thursday, February 2, at 10 A.M. And also assured the Committee that there will be a special meeting the week of February 6, 2006 to pass the Joint Legislative Package.

(Myers, Abinanti) move to adjourn the Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 6-0. Committee on Legislation adjourned at 2:38 p.m.

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