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MINUTES: February 2, 2006

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Bronz, Stewart-Cousins, Oros,

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; CA: E. Cipollo, B. McGrath; BOL: S. Bass, V. Pinto; B. Bochow;

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 10:17 a.m.

(Oros, Bronz) motion to delete the items in the State Legislative Package as recommended by Chairman Young.

Legislator Oros stated, items which are deleted from the package does not indicate that people are opposed to them. Chairman Young concurred and added that those issues could be addressed separately at a later time.

Legislator Pinto asked for the item regarding Eastchester parkland de-dedication be included.

Mr. Neuman discussed on behalf of Legislator Burton the item to require safety features on garbage trucks to better protect workers. The County Executive’s office has been working with Assemblymember Galef’s office on legislation since the death of a garbage man from Ossining.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked to keep the item to implement a dual track child protective program. Ms. Stewart-Cousins also requested the committee continue to consider the proposal supporting the State Legislation which will expand the definition of summer day camps and improve the counties’ ability to monitor them.

Legislators Oros and Bronz amended the motion to exclude from deletion the implementation of a dual track child protective program, require safety features on garbage trucks, expand the definition of summer day camps and de-dedication of park land in the Town of Eastchester.

Motion passed 4-0.

There was a discussion about state legislation to create a new crime of home invasion robbery. Legislators questioned whether we should include issues relating to changes in the New York State Penal Law. Some concern was expressed about including the issue relating to violations of Taxi and Limousine Commission rules.

There was conversation about the items which County Legislators referred to the committee for the State Package.

Legislator Bronz presented an additional item for consideration for the package. She would like to include a bill (A5406/S05807) to establish procedures for family members who are making health care decisions on behalf of incapacitated patients that are unable to decide about treatment for themselves.

The Committee decided to delete the item supporting lobbying of the changes to Medicare Part D. The members thought this issue should be addressed with the Federal Government.

Discussion occurred about the item relating to Kieran’s law. Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked if federal action needs to be taken. She requested a copy of the bill.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins similarly asked if the federal government would be involved with the monitoring of births of children by women who have previously abused a child. She also requested a copy of this bill and expressed the desire to focus on things the State can do.

There was conversation about the additional funding for the Medical Center. The County Executive’s office and members of the committee thought it was better to ask for additional financial support for the Medical Center rather then more sales tax revenue.

Discussion occurred about the items submitted from our State Legislators.

There was a concern about legislation to freeze taxes on items owned and occupied by persons 65 years of age and older. The Committee thought the bill needs to contain a means test. They requested a copy of the legislation.

The committee was apprehensive to support legislation to increase the age of purchasing tobacco and tobacco products.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked which products were on the renewable energy sources list to be considered for public use.
Chairman Young asked a copy of the bill be provided to the committee.

It was agreed to delete items 20 and 41.

Legislator Stewart Cousins will be getting information on kinship care bills which will be pending in the State Legislature. She will ask the committee to consider the bill as well.

(Stewart-Cousins, Bronz) move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 3-0. Committee on Legislation adjourned at 11:09 a.m.

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