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MINUTES: April 3, 2006

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Burrows, Rogowsky, Bronz, Abinanti, Stewart-Cousins

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; CA: L. Trentacoste; DOH: J. Ruggiero, G. Vasezekos, G. Carmichael; BOL: V. Pinto, S. Bass, B. Bochow; M. Montalto, M. Amodio, B. Desoy; GUESTS: R. MacLaughlin, J Watch, M. Markowitz, D. Tartaglia, B. Lopez, G. Martinez, ; PRESS: L. Anderson, M. Klien, J. Abel

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:37 p.m.

(Burrows,Myers) Move to approve the minutes of March 20, 2006.
Motion approved 6-0.

Perry Ochacher and Linda Trentacoste began a follow up discussion regarding proposed changes to the county’s financial disclosure. Some changes were made to the legislation based upon suggestions made by Mark Davies and County Ethics Board Chairman, Jeff Cohen. The changes were:

The committee decided to amend the legislation to require people to disclose gifts they received ninety days prior to their date of appointment. They would only list gifts from those with matters before the board they will be sitting on.

Language was added to allow people to make copies of disclosure forms under New York State Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Some information under the law still may be redacted.

There was some discussion about whether to make some volunteers of decision making boards fill out the long form.

Chairman Young asked that language be added to the legislation so the disclosure form will be attached to all letters of appointment for volunteer boards and commissions. This will make people aware of what financial disclosure form they will be required to fill out.

It was decided to change the civil penalty for failing to fill out a form or knowingly making a false statement from up to $25,000 back to the current maximum of $10,000.

Chairman Young stated that the committee will meet next week at
10 a.m. to sign out the legislation with all the suggested changes.

Bedbug Infestation
Blanca Lopez of Human Development Services of Westchester spoke about the serious health problems caused by bedbugs. She stated it is becoming a concern in many parts of Westchester. Ms. Lopez talked about how the Department of Health and the county needs to provide information on how to prevent bedbugs. Gabriella Martinez is a tenant in Port Chester who spoke about her personal experience of bedbug infestation.

There is concern that landlords may retaliate on a tenant for reporting a problem with bedbugs. It was suggested that the burden of the cost of getting rid of infestation be placed on the Landlord. Landlords should have a responsibility to periodically exterminate. It was recommended that an education campaign to make the public aware of how to best avoid the problem could be helpful. Many other cities such as Boston are doing it.

Dr. Greg Carmichael Deputy Commissioner of the County Department of Health (DOH) discussed the problem and provided the committee with information which is on the DOH website. He stated that there is a worldwide resurgence of bedbug infestation. They are a nuisance to people, but most health departments don’t regulate them because they are not a disease carrying organism.

It is difficult to know whether the tenant brought them in or if they pre-existed. Mattress control is only one aspect of controlling them. It is not the full extent of it. There would have to be many things which take place to eliminate the problem.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins thought it was possible to do some public education telling people not to pick up used mattresses and other furniture.

Chairman Young agreed that education was the key factor but asked the Health and Legal Departments to see if a Legislative solution was possible.

(Rogowsky, Abinanti) move to create an option for local towns to elect to use an alternate date for the valuation of real property in Westchester County by local option.

Legislator Rogowsky gave an overview of the history and overview for the need of the date change. Daniel Tartaglia of the law firm of Delbello, Donellan, Weingarten and Tartaglia discussed the Town of Rye’s petition for the amendment which conforms with the new state Office of Real Property Services (ORPS) valuation date. Mr. Tartaglia suggested that the committee adopt legislation that will permit the towns that are 100% of full value to make an election on an annual basis and match there valuation date to the valuation date established by the state then the problem will be solved once and for all.

Legislator Abinanti asked to check and see if it is required to change the language from town to assessing unit. He also requested the Chairman ask the County Attorney, before next week, to see if there was a need to broaden it.

Motion approved 8-0.

(Bronz, Abinanti) move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 8-0. Committee on Legislation adjourned at 3:08 p.m.

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