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MINUTES: April 16, 2007

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Pinto; Legislators: Young, Burrows, Jenkins, Rogowsky, Bronz, Oros, Abinanti

MEMBERS: Chair: Burton; Legislators: Pinto, Swanson, Burrows, Jenkins, Spreckman

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; CA: S. Dolgin-Kmetz, L. Trentacoste, M. Gleeson; CC: T. Idoni, B. McGrath, E. Brady; DPS: D. Long; BOL: S. Bass, R. Pezzollo, L. Goldstein, B. Desoye, J. Sold, N. Rentz, A. Stahl; GUESTS: M. Oxman, J. Demaria, M. Bruni, S. Spano, P. Sementa, R. Simi, V. Camacho, M. Courtien, DeAngelo, M. Whalen, C. Dangelo

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:14 p.m.

With a quorum present the Committee on Public Safety and Security
was called to order at 1:14 p.m.

(Bronz, Burrows) Move for the Committee on Legislation (Spreckman, Jenkins) Move for the Committee on Public Safety and Security; to authorize certain county officers to offer rewards for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of persons guilty of felonies and information leading to the apprehension of persons wanted on certain outstanding criminal warrants.

The committee discussed whether the role of the Chairman of the Board of Legislators was restored into the legislation. Mr. Gleeson of The Law Department confirmed the Budget and Appropriations right to approve offers prior to being made to the public and the ability of the Chairman of the Board to also approve offers is included in the bill.

Motion approved for all purposes by the Committee on Public Safety and Security; 6-0. Motion approved for all purposes by the Committee on Legislation; 8-0

(Spreckman,Jenkins) motion to adjourn Public Safety and Security.
Public Safety and Security adjourned at 1:22 PM.

Plumbing and Electrical Licensing Law Revisions
The County Clerks office discussed the need to make changes to the current law relating to penalties issued by the Westchester County Board of Plumbing Examiners and the Westchester County Electrical Licensing Board and authorizing the Board of Plumbing Examiners to issue reciprocal licenses.

The Committee discussed the legislation and suggested changes to the bill to clarify how the reciprocity of licenses will work and that an appeals process be included. There was also debate about how the Plumbing Law should be on parity with the Electrical Licensing Law.

(Young, Jenkins) Move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 5-0.

Committee on Legislation adjourned at 2:55 P.M.


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