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MEETING MINUTES: November 21, 2006, 2:00 pm


Committee Members: Legislators Lois Bronz, Chair; Bernice Spreckman, and William Burton.

Staff: Barbara Dodds

Others: Legislator Judy Myers; CE: William Randolph; DSS: Anthony DeGregorio; IT: Sam Wear, Kay Foster, Marguerite Beirne; Westchester Residential Opportunities: Toni Downes; Community Housing Initiatives: Debbie Perkins; LWVW: Karen Schatzel; Greenburgh Central 7: Sonja Brown; Budget Advisory Comm.: Al Turnquest.


24b. Proposed Act authorizing the County to enter into IMAs with Westchester municipalities and municipalities within the counties of Putnam, Rockland and Dutchess for the County to share Geographic Information System data. 10/10/06 (also referred to B&A)

Homeless in Greenburgh: Sonja Brown, Greenburgh Central 7 School District Family Outreach & Information Coordinator/Homeless Liaison

With a quorum present, Chair Lois Bronz called the meeting to order. She explained that the first item was voted out by the Budget & Appropriations Committee earlier and was the second Act of IMA agreements with municipalities to share geographic information. Sam Wear of Informational Technology said the County currently has data-sharing with 31 municipalities and everyone benefits. These IMAs provide an easy framework for local governments to transfer and share GIS data at low cost. Each municipality will pay for its own costs.

The motion was moved by Leg. Bernice Spreckman and seconded by Leg. William Burton. Passed.

Sonja Brown, Greenburgh Central 7 School District Homeless Liaison was introduced and explained the dynamics of homelessness in her district. She presented information on the McKinney-Vento Act from the National Assn. for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Conference which she attended in Little Rock Arkansas, Nov. 11-14. The “No Child Left Behind” Act of 2001 reauthorized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act—the federal law that entitles homeless children to a free and appropriate public education; requires schools to eliminate barriers to their enrollment, attendance, and success in school, and sets aside Title I funds specifically for their support. Families with children are the fastest-growing segment of our homeless population. Over the past decade, the number of homeless children has more than doubled. Many are never counted because their families a) move frequently, b) try to live invisibly, and c) avoid authorities for fear of losing custody of their children. Ms. Brown noted that schools and education have become most stabilizing influences in the life of the homeless child but 20% of homeless children do not attend school. Homeless parents are often at-risk kids grown up—it is much easier to build children than to repair adults. Affordable housing is needed because 30% of working people don’t make enough to pay the rent. She noted that in the doubled up homes women are more likely to be abused and children to be molested because their illegal status makes them afraid to come forward.

Leg. Myers asked how they interface with DSS. DSS gave the district a $90,000 grant to help support a Newcomer Center with 2 coordinators and find employment for 33 youths this past summer. The school district gave in-kind donations of space, materials, equipment for parents who drop-in for help.

Leg. Bronz noted that sensitivity of professionals who can develop a trust level is key to families getting access to available resources. She suggested that perhaps the Teachers Center could sponsor a forum to bring the district liaisons together. Leg. Spreckman suggested that a grandparents’ coalition can read and talk to children.

Leg. Burton asked: Are children enrollable in school merely because they present themselves regardless of where they live or their immigration status? Before the McKinney-Vento Act, a landlord’s statement, academic records, etc. used to be required. Not all schools have amended their procedures. Leg. Bronz thanked Ms. Brown for her presentation.

Leg. Bronz said as soon as she hears back from the County Executive on their conversation about the request for special eviction prevention funding, she will inform the Committee.

Three new referrals of HAVA correspondence were received and filed: 3i, 3j and 3k. The Committee on Legislation considered two proposals from Leg. Abinanti regarding voting machines and did not act. Meanwhile the deadline for new voting machines has been pushed back to March 2007.

A new item #30 will be held on the agenda until there is more information.

Motion to adjourn was made by Leg. Burton and seconded by Leg. Spreckman.

The meeting was adjourned by Leg. Bronz.

Approved 11/28/06

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