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MEETING MINUTES: May 22, 2007, 2:00 pm

IN ATTENDANCE: Committee Members: Leg. Lois Bronz, Chair, Leg. Bernice Spreckman, Leg. Vito Pinto, Leg. William Burton, Leg. Kenneth Jenkins. Committee Coordinator: Barbara Dodds.

Others: Westchester Residential Opportunities (WRO): Michael Hellmann, Ann Seligsohn, Meaghan De Fling; United Way: Chantal Raven; Westchester Disabled on the Move: John Moynihan;; Joseph Guagliano, WILC; Staff: Westchester Office for the Disabled: Evan Latainer; Deb DeLong, Planning; Rick Pizzullo, BOL, Mary Jackson, BOL, Kevin Oaris, BOL; T. Thomas.

• Westchester Office for the Disabled—Guest: Evan Latainer, Director, Office for the Disabled
• Survey of housing for people with disabilities—Ann Seligsohn & Michael Helmann, Westchester Residential Opportunities, Inc. (WRO)

Leg. Bronz called the meeting to order with a quorum present.

Evan Latainer worked with WRO on the survey targeting the housing needs for the disabled in the Community. He explained the services that his office provides In addition to information and assistance on accessible affordable housing, the Office provides public transportation for the disabled, and recreational activities.
The travel training program teaches people how to use the regular Bee-Line Bus so that they can travel more independently and knowledgably. A sign language interpreter program is also offered where they are needed to other county departments and agencies.

Ann Seligsohn said people with disabilities have a lot of trouble finding accessible housing and WRO’s request for funding from the county to do a survey was turned down until the County Executive read an article in the Journal News in 2005. Funding was then made available for this survey. Michael Helmann explained how the information gathered in the survey can add to promoting the need and information on accessible housing. The survey does not address availability or affordability, only about how accessible each building is. This survey information is made available on the Westchester County website.

Ms. Seligsohn commented that one of the things they would like to do if they have time at the end when the survey is completed, is contact the owners, and the management of buildings that are limited and let them know that there is just a slight impediment and how to remedy that. The surveyors are paid for their services. Latainer suggested that a link be made available directly to the data so that the community can easily access it from the website. Leg. Burton stated that there are jurisdictional issues—local officials might be in a better position to leverage some activity. The Board of Legislators can help by supporting funding for a continuation of this survey. Leg. Bronz requested that non-legislaor members be notified of the importance of this survey and its availability on the website.

Leg. Bronz made a motion to adjourn, moved by Spreckman seconded by Burton.

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