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Committee Members: Leg. Lois Bronz, Chair; Leg. Vito Pinto; Leg. William Burton.
Committee Staff: Barbara Dodds and Andrew Ricketts.
Others: Adelade DiGiorgi, LWV Westchester/LWV Bronxville; Delores S. Brathwaite, Executive Director, Human Rights Commission; William Randolph, County Executive’s Office; Al Turnquest, County Budget Advisory Committee; BOL staff: Rick Pizzulo, Teresa Toscano.

Item for Discussion: Government Poll Worker Programs--Board of Elections

With a quorum present, Leg. Bronz opened the meeting. The minutes for 1/22/07, 4/17/07 and 5/22/07 were approved, moved by Leg. Pinto and seconded by Leg. Burton.

Responding to a letter from the Board of Elections Commissioners regarding the need for Election Day poll workers, Leg. Bronz noted that many of our poll workers are aging and election officials are looking for new workers. We do have a challenge to do what we can to ensure a valid voting process and the best opportunity to vote. In their letter to Deputy County Exec. Director Larry Schwartz, the Commissioners proposed the possibility of using County employees to work as poll workers. Although asked to participate in the meeting, the Board of Elections Commissioners were not able to attend. Questions for the commissioners will be communicated and responded to at a later meeting.

The discussion centered on availability of staff, compensation, and time. Ms. Brathwaite questioned the difference between compensation for working the polls and the paid day off already given.

Leg. Burton talked about how surprised he was that there was apparently no previous effort made to recruit poll workers from the civil service in our area. We need to do something if we are in need of workers.

Leg. Pinto suggested that we should survey the local communities concerning poll workers and inspectors and find out how many there are, where they are working and if they wish to continue. Leg. Bronz will ask the commissioners, if they have not surveyed local communities already, what kind of information could give us the best assessment.

Mr. Randolph stated that Commissioner Lafayette indicated that state legislation might be required. Leg. Bronz will investigate and present questions to the commissioners in preparation for their visit.

Leg. Pinto said that before we assume it has to be a state law, we should ask the commissioners to research the law that was passed by the County because, to his understanding, it is not state policy but County policy that gives County employees the Election Day off. We negotiate. Our poll workers are aging out and we have not done a good enough job at recruiting new poll workers one reason is because the current workers don’t want to give up their jobs. We have gone to local colleges and looked for people but the younger community is not interested.

Leg. Bronz suggested developing community recruiting partnerships such as County with local government workers and officials; college poll worker programs; civic organizations where volunteers might donate stipends to their fundraising; corporate business which may include poll working for community service projects.

Ms. Dodds added that some colleges have received grants from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission for poll workers programs. Lois suggested that we encourage WCC to get involved in the training and recruitment of poll workers as well as looking into the availability of a grant.

Mr. Randolph gave the idea that maybe we should raise the compensation in order to attract more people to become poll workers—the rates vary from one municipality to another. Also, party organizations are a strong influence in attracting poll workers but many people are shying away from party allegiance and activity. Ms. DiGiorgi stated that her current compensation is $225 in Bronxville. She added that compensation might not be the main problem but time is the big factor. A 16-hour duty is not going to attract people to become poll workers.

Leg. Pinto added that he thinks we need county approval instead of state approval. We are the ones compensating and giving the vacation.

Leg. Bronz said that we will ask the commissioners to come to a meeting with answers to our questions. Ms. Brathwaite added that we might also want to get input from the county attorney’s office. At what stage is legislation?

Motion to adjourn was moved by Leg. Burton and seconded by Leg. Pinto.

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