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MEETING MINUTES: April 25, 2006, 3:00 pm

IN ATTENDANCE: Legislators Lois Bronz, Chair; Andrea Stewart-Cousins,Vito Pinto, William Burton, and Board Chairman William Ryan. CEO: William Ryan. BOL: Barbara Dodds.


With a quorum present, Chair Lois Bronz called the meeting to order. She explained that this was a one topic agenda—to clarify the amorphous title of the committee. With the committee reorganization in January, many functions were consolidated—and the Housing Committee became Housing, Planning and Government Operations (HPGO). In addition to housing and planning, other departments, agencies and programs are now included in this committee: the County Executive’s Office (CEO), Human Resources, the Board of Elections, the Community College, IT and the County Clerk’s Office. Chair Bronz posed the question of how a legislative committee can be effective with the County Executive’s Office. For example, in the CEO there are program pieces such as Consumer Affairs, Westchester Film Board, Gay and Lesbian Relations, etc.

Legislator Burton said that many departments only get to explain their operations in the Budget Committee when they could have appeared before a smaller committee where their issues could be discussed. As an example, Chair Bronz pointed to the joint meetings with Budget and Appropriations on the White Plains senior housing proposal. Information that related to whether the proposal as planned meets the needs and whether the City, the County and the developer could put together a package that will work could be discussed before the budgetary issues.

Some issues of the CEO offices are taken up in other committees. Legislator Pinto said that some departments have no specific committee to resolve problems. With Consumer Affairs, there are always complaints legislators get on gas prices, big box store policies, mom and pop stores, and the like.

Chair Bronz suggested that unless a specific item is referred to the Committee, HPGO should meet with the commissioners, directors and officers from the various departments that on a rotating basis, perhaps four times a year. A couple of departments can be dealt with at once. She asked Mr. Randolph for his opinion on establishing the committee’s relationship with the County Executive’s Office.

Mr. Randolph said it seemed reasonable to look at the departments from a programmatic point of view since the only time some of these officers come before the Board is at budget time or if there is a specific issue. So they would have an opportunity beyond the Budget Committee to discuss their issues. His one concern was where are the lines of demarcation are going to be with departments providing information and not duplicating. A regimen was needed where several days after a committee meets, their agendas for the next meeting are available giving everyone adequate notice. Chair Bronz said that in the last couple of years, the Housing Committee, with the help of the Planning Dept., had planned meetings ahead with a time line. She asked Chairman Ryan for clarification on the responsbilities of the Committee.

Chairman Ryan said that in determining how to put areas together, an effort was made to take every operational unit and assign it to a Committee with oversight responsibilities. So, although he doesn’t expect this Committee to deal with the array of youth issues, he feels comfortable putting the matter of oversight responsibility for the Youth Bureau in the hands of this Committee. The same with the Taxi and Limousine Commission—not that the Committee has to deal with all the subject matter but rather the oversight. The responsibility for oversight and policy for all of these departments belongs to this Committee. Two committees may meet and listen together but the performance, the needs, and any problems of the departments should be brought to this Committee.

Leg. Bronz thanked Chairman Ryan.

A brief general discussion was held on the Rent Guidelines Board.

Chair Bronz reported that four non-legislators had officially been asked to serve on this Committee--Marsha Gordon, Thomas McGrath, Albert Annunziata and Dennis McDermott and they had agreed. They will give us a larger scope from the business community especially in housing and planning and will be able to critique some of the issues before the Committee.

Discussion ensued on issues pending with the senior housing project proposed for Court and Quarropas in White Plains. The original price of the property was $4 million a year ago and the estimated value today is $7-8 million. By selling the property instead of leasing it, the County could be giving up a major asset and a say on what happens to the property in the future.

We have a proposed schedule of meetings with some kind of focus—on every Tuesday following BOL meetings.

A brief discussion was held on a proposed meeting with New Hope for Tomorrow organization of several homeless individuals. It was generally agreed that the Committee would host a discussion between them and housing professionals in a round table rather than add them to the committee agenda.

The meeting was adjourned by Chair Bronz, moved by Legislator Pinto and seconded by Legislator Burton.

Approved 8/8/06

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