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10:00 AM

MEMBERS: Chair: Bernice Spreckman, Vice-Chair: Vito Pinto; Legislators: Jose Alvarado, Lois Bronz, George Oros, Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Clinton Young.

IN ATTENDANCE: Members: Bernice Spreckman, Vito Pinto, Lois Bronz and Andrea Stewart-Cousins; County Youth Bureau: Ann Spindel, Liz Mark and Marlene Furtick

With a quorum present, Chair Spreckman called the meeting of the Generational, Cultural and Ethnic Diversity Committee to order at 10:15 A.M.

Chair Spreckman began the meeting by discussing the structure of the Generational, Cultural and Ethnic Diversity Committee. Because the committee covers so many areas of interest, many meetings will be broken down into smaller sub-committee meetings. For instance, this meeting will focus on matters concerning youth.



YOUTH SERVICES: Act authorizing the County to submit to NYS a Resource Allocation Plan which will provide state reimbursement for certain youth service programs.

Marlene Furtick from the County’s Youth Bureau gave an explanation of this funding which comes from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and is allotted to the County Youth Bureau so that they can make sure that municipal youth services are funded throughout the County. It is done every year and the programs are monitored to make sure they are funded correctly and serve youth appropriately.

Legislator Bronz, who has interacted with many of these youth programs, noted their success.

On a motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the proposal was unanimously approved.


WESTCHESTER COUNTY YOUTH BUREAU: Local Law making certain amendments to the County Youth Bureau. (Also Referred to Legislation Committee 1-23-06).

Marlene Furtick gave an explanation of this item, which relates to the bi-laws of the County Youth Board and making amendments to the County Charter. Specifically, members of the Youth Board decided that small changes in the County Charter and updating certain language would make it easier for them to sustain and get new membership on the board.

There was also discussion about individuals who are appointed to the Youth Board and how sometimes the process of being appointed takes too long. The legislators from that district should be involved in making the appointments and should be able to review the application.

The legislators reviewed and discussed the item and made minor changes to the document as requested by members of the Youth Bureau. They decided to change wording so that the Board may have -- no fewer than 15 members and up to 25 members. They also made minor changes to Sec. 176.51. (Powers, duties and responsibilities of the Youth Board) of the County Charter. The committee decided to approve the proposal with amendments and after making sure the material would be reviewed by the law department and a clean copy would be provided to the Committee on Legislation for approval.

On a motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the second item was unanimously approved as amended.

Legislator Pinto mentioned that the Youth Board is organizing a large scale meeting to discuss youth violence in Westchester County planned for April 4, 2006.

Legislator Spreckman adjourned the meeting at 11:20 A.M.

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