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Committee on Generational, Cultural and Ethnic Diversity - SUB-COMMITTEE ON SENIORS

MINUTES: JANUARY 23, 2006, 10:00 AM

MEMBERS: Chair: Bernice Spreckman, Vice-Chair: Vito Pinto; Legislators: Jose Alvarado, Lois Bronz, George Oros, Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Clinton Young.

IN ATTENDANCE: Members: Bernice Spreckman, Vito Pinto, Lois Bronz, Jose Alvarado, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, George Oros, Clinton Young; Community Committee Members: Ann Gorges, Rose Loughlin, Anita Persise, Albert Gorges, James Cronk, Roberto Nascimento, David and Victoria Kozlow, Daniel Sambol, Judy Fink, Seth Berman, Kathy Moran, Yemaja Jubilee, Mr. Ron Butler, Eridania Camacho, Joseph Burns, Harry Spreckman, Ela Hathaway, Tery and Tony Scatola; WCDSPS: Mae Carpenter, Caryl Weinstein, Laura Bolotsky, Dozene Guishard.

Guest Speakers: Susan Ferlauto, Pace Women’s Justice Center; Lani Sanjek, New York Statewide Senior Action Council

Chair Spreckman unofficially started the presentation portion of the meeting at 10:05 AM in order to wait for committee members at a Budget meeting.

Susan Ferlauto from the Pace Women’s Justice Center began a presentation on Elder Abuse. The new program, which was recently started at Pace, offers civil legal services for abused seniors. The program gives legal support, advocacy and referrals in a variety of areas including: domestic abuse, housing matters, consumer problems, long-term care problems and public benefit applications. Pace Women’s Justice Center: (914) 422-4069.

Lani Sanjek from the New York Statewide Senior Action Council began a presentation on problems with Medicaid, dual-eligible individuals and the issues pharmacies are dealing with.

Chair Spreckman announced that Joe Fiscella from the Westchester Society of Pharmacists is scheduled to be a guest speaker at the March 28th meeting of GCED.

Lani Sanjek continued to talk about the drug coverage transition process for seniors and what to do if your drug is not on the plan. She said New York State will cover the bill for medication for two more weeks which is not enough time. The NYS Assembly passed legislation to extend coverage, but it needs to be passed in the Senate. She requested the committee write to Senate Majority Leader Bruno to take action immediately. Lani Sanjek’s presentation was put on hold so members could discuss committee organization.

With all members present, Chair Spreckman officially started the meeting at 10:30 AM and began discussion about committee organization.

Legislator Spreckman announced that the GCED committee will now meet on Tuesday’s at 10:00 AM. The senior sub-committee will meet on the third Tuesday of every month.

Legislator Spreckman began the discussion of what would be a quorum for the committee. Legislator Bronz made a recommendation to require a quorum of four legislators to start a meeting.

Legislator Pinto verified that this would include a requirement of for votes to pass action items.

On a motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the proposal was unanimously approved by a vote of 7 to 0.

Legislators Spreckman discussed that GCED was formed to cover more areas of interest including matters concerning Seniors, Individuals with Disabilities, Women, Youth, Hispanic Affairs, Asian American Affairs, African American Affairs, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resources and Education.

Legislator Pinto motioned to accept the minutes from November 28, 2005 and October 24, 2005 which was seconded by Legislator Alvarado. The motion was unanimously approved by a vote of 7 to 0.

Lani Sanjek continued her presentation and suggested that the GCED Committee send a letter to Senate Majority Leader Bruno in support of Senate Bill S.6410, which would provide emergency prescription drug benefits under Medicaid during the implementation of the federal Medicare Part D program.

Legislator Spreckman asked members of the committee for their support of Senate Bill S.6410 and asked them to approve the letter. On a motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the committee approved the proposal to send a letter of support to Senate Majority Leader Bruno. The motion was unanimously approved by a vote of 7 to 0.

Lani Sanjek continued with the discussion of Medicare Law and passed out handouts.

The committee discussed Senior Citizen’s Day in Albany, scheduled for Monday, April 24, 2006.

Mae Carpenter, Commissioner of the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, spoke about her trip to Washington D.C. as an attendee of the 2005 White House Conference on Aging. She distributed information on the top ten resolutions she lobbied for.

Legislator Spreckman adjourned the meeting at 12:00 PM.

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