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10:00 AM

MEMBERS: Chair: Bernice Spreckman, Vice-Chair: Vito Pinto; Legislators: Jose Alvarado, Lois Bronz, George Oros, Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Clinton Young.

IN ATTENDANCE: Members: Bernice Spreckman, Vito Pinto, Andrea Stewart-Cousins and William Ryan; County Executive’s Office: Bill Randolph; County Youth Bureau: Ann Spindel, Liz Mark and Mary Kate Cabaleiro

There was not a quorum present to start the meeting. While the committee members waited for others to arrive, Chair Spreckman began a discussion about youth violence and gangs.

Liz Mark and Ann Spindel spoke about the success of the Summit on Youth Violence, which was held at the County Center on April 4, 2006. They suggested that there be more follow up on a local level and that colleges need to be targeted to teach students about these dangers. There was further discussion about how to prevent youth violence and the formation of gangs.

Legislator Pinto spoke about the importance of youth participation and that direct involvement between schools and kids would be extremely beneficial.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins spoke about legislators becoming more involved in youth summits and possibly visiting schools to give presentations.

More discussion continued about different ways to educate youth about violence and gangs.

The Generational, Cultural and Ethnic Diversity Committee took an informal recess at 11:20 A.M.

With a quorum present, Chair Spreckman reconvened the meeting of the Generational, Cultural and Ethnic Diversity Committee at 11:55 A.M.



IMA: Act authorizing the county to enter into IMA’s with various municipalities regarding the Invest in Kids Program.

Mary Kate Cabaleiro from the County’s Youth Bureau gave an explanation of this program which is under the County’s Urban Youth Initiative “Invest-in-Kids” program. This is a program designed to meet the needs of at-risk young people and it focuses on communities with significant numbers of low-income households. The funding would be administered through local youth bureaus. The communities involved in this particular act would be Mount Vernon, Peekskill and White Plains.

On a motion of Legislator Ryan, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the proposal was unanimously approved.

Legislator Spreckman adjourned the meeting at 12:05 P.M.

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