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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes JOINTLY WITH THE BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTE

May 9, 2006

Committee Members in attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Clinton Young, Ursula LaMotte, Lois Bronz and Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Budget Members: Michael Kaplowitz, William Burton, Ursula LaMotte, Vito Pinto, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Suzanne Swanson and William Ryan.

In Attendance: CEO: Andrew Neuman, Bill Randolph BOL: Louise Gantress, Ray Indelicato, Sunday Vanderberg, Bob Boland DSS: Commissioner Kevin Mahon, Jewru Bandeh, Katherine Waluschka, John Befus Budget: Leslie Bennett Guests: Kathy Halas, Sandy Keely, Child Care Council, Ann Marie Terrone, Cindy Veazeu, Judy Ellison, Howard Milbert, and Liz Anderson, Journal News.

Items Discussed: Program creation to distribute part of the one million dollars added to the Child Care budget.


Chairwoman Myers called the Family, Health and Human Services Committee meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. Chairman Kaplowitz called The Budget and Appropriations Committee to order at 12:20.

Moved by Legislator LaMotte and seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins the minutes from April 28th, 2006 passed 5-0.

Kathy Halas, Director of the Westchester Child Care Council presented a proposal to the Committees to distribute part of the one million dollars in the child care budget to families that do not qualify for the State Subsidy program but still cannot afford child care in Westchester.

The Council proposes to create a scholarship program on a first come first serve basis. Awards will be given based on the family’s income according to a pay scale the Council created by following the subsidy programs guidelines. A copy of the proposal is on file.

Chairman Kaplowitz is concerned that the awards are too high and we would be able to help more families if the award amount was lower. If all of the families who apply make $50,000 a year, we would only be able to assist 27 families under these guidelines.

Kathy Halas explained that if the award amount is too low it will not provide enough funding for many families to pay the difference for the child care and the problem will persist. She said child care costs can be the second highest payment for a family to make, after a mortgage or rent payment.

A discussion ensued regarding the difference between regulated child care, and informal child care. Kathy Halas explained that there will probably always be some informal child care, but educating the public about regulated care and helping them to be able to afford it will reduce the need for informal care in people’s homes.

Legislator Swanson wants to use all of the money in the budget on this project. Chairwoman Myers explains that we do not want to misspend the money we have set aside, and we should wait for the results of the study being conducted by the Department of Social Services which should be available in December. The Administration and DSS would like to spend a portion of the money now and monitor the need and the program to see if more is needed.

Chairman Kaplowitz expressed his concern about the first come first serve policy. He thinks this may make many people unhappy. He also would like it to be voiced to the families that this may be a one time deal, this program may not be in place next year, depending on how it goes and the results of the study.

Legislator Young asked what the Child Care Council’s relationship with the County is, and how would this program be monitored. He is concerned that there will be no regulation of the program by the County, and by the Board of Legislators.

Kathy Halas explained how the Council contracts with the Department of Social Services as well as the Office for Woman for various programs to provide child care to families in need. She also explained that DSS would monitor the program through reports and updates, and the Council would be happy to provide the same updates to the Family, Health, and Human Services Committee.

The Child Care Council and the representatives from the Department of Social Services agreed to meet in the near future to work out the details of the program and make necessary changes. The final decisions will be presented to the Committee and will go before the Board of Acquisitions and Contracts in the upcoming months.

Moved by Legislator Bronz and seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 1:13 p.m.

Moved by Legislator Pinto and seconded by Legislator Burton the Committee on Budget and Appropriations adjourned at 1:13 p.m.

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