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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

May 8, 2007

Committee Members In Attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Kenneth Jenkins, Ursula LaMotte, Lois Bronz, Clinton Young and Marty Rogowsky.

In Attendance: BOL: Legislator Pinto, Joanne Sold, Louise Gantress and Melanie Montalto. Guests: Jennifer Zando, POMCO, Liz Anderson, the Journal News.

Items Discussed:


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.

Moved by Legislator LaMotte and seconded by Legislator Burton the minutes of February 13, 2007, and March 27, 2007 were passed with a vote of 4-0.

Moved by Legislator Young and seconded by Legislator Jenkins the minutes of March 13, 2007 were passed with a vote of 4-0.

Moved by Legislator LaMotte and seconded by Legislator Jenkins the minutes of April 3, 2007 were passed with a vote of 6-0.

Jennifer Zando, Director of Account Management of POMCO gave a presentation on the One Care Street wellness program that the County is participating in. A copy of the presentation is on file and available for review.

Moved by Legislator Burton and seconded by Legislator LaMotte the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 1:10 p.m.

A complete audio recording of the meeting is available for review upon request.

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